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    AITech Interview with Geoff Tate, Founder and CEO, Flex...

    1. Can you give us a brief of your career before Flex Logix Prior to foundi...

    • martechnology

    Martech Interview with Gregg Holzrichter, CMO at Crux

    1. You recently joined Crux as the CMO; what does your 30-60-90 day plan lo...

    • martechnology

    AITech Interview with Scott Leatherman, CMO, Veritone

    1. Can you give us a brief of your career before Veritone? a. I spent the f...

    • martechnology

    Amperity martech expert unpacks the true cost of messy...

    If you know your customers so well, then why do you keep treating them like...

    • martechnology

    AITech Interview with Victor Thu, President of Datatron...

    1. Can you tell us more about yourself and your career before Datatron? I h...

    • martechnology

    AITech Interview with Victor Thu, President of Datatron

    1. Can you tell us more about yourself and your career before Datatron? I h...

    • martechnology

    Create a successful campaign with the help of DSP

    We all have struggled with creating the first successful and profitable cam...

    • martechnology

    AITech interview with Magnus Cormack, Director of Data...

    1. Can you give us a brief of your career before DMI? I graduated with a de...

    • martechnology

    AITech interview with Magnus Cormack, Director of Data...

    . Can you give us a brief of your career before DMI? I graduated with a deg...

    • martechnology

    Martech Interview with Laura Haines, Chief Product Offi...

    How is the Metaverse affecting the ecommerce industry? We are seeing a sle...

    • martechnology

    AITech Interview with Michel Spruijt, CRO, Brain Corp

    1. Can you tell us more about yourself and your career before Brain Corp? P...

    • martechnology

    Martech Interview with Faisal Galaria, Chief Executive...

    1. Being the Chief Executive Officer at Blippar, what is it like to lead an...

    • martechnology

    How to Create the Perfect Marketing Communications Plan

    Charting your marketing communications roadmap might look like a herculean...

    • martechnology

    2 Crucial Steps to Prepare for Third-Party Cookie Loss

    By now most marketers have heard of the upcoming changes Google is making t...

    • martechnology

    Data Science for Businesses - Aitechpark

    Over the past few years, data science has revolutionized business growth. A...

    • martechnology