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    Why Customer Data Platforms Will Set You Up For Data-Dr...

    According to David, the formal CDP Institute definition of a customer data...

    • martechnology

    The Keys to Excel in Reputation Management For Your Mul...

    It should go without saying, but consumers expect a relatively high star ra...

    • martechnology

    4 Steps to Writing Super Engaging Content for Your Mobi...

    Writing engaging mobile app content is all about polishing your work, makin...

    • martechnology

    compelling messaging and positioning

    There’s a reason “content is king” is such a prevalent expression in market...

    • martechnology

    How To Successfully Include Livestreaming Into Your Mar...

    The world of e-commerce has not (yet) thought of live streaming as a profit...

    • martechnology

    Here’s How to Digitally Prepare for Vacation Season

    Last but not least, hotel brands are in the hospitality business for a reas...

    • martechnology

    Here’s What Uber Explore Means For Your Business’s Onli...

    Uber Explore is a glimpse into the future regarding digital technology and...

    • martechnology

    New Tealium and Meta Report Highlights

    Tealium and Meta’s report highlights the critical role of digital leaders i...

    • martechnology

    Questions to ask if your website traffic is declining

    Website traffic can be seasonal. The holiday season is extremely busy for s...

    • martechnology

    How Companies Can Determine the Right CDP for Them

    To know what type of customer data platform you need, you must define your...

    • martechnology

    How to Create a Marketing Space for You and Your Busine...

    An effective and engaging partner portal allows suppliers to build strong p...

    • martechnology

    3 Ways to Maximize Influencer Content for Your Brand

    As marketing copy. The best copywriting doesn’t come from you. Rather, it c...

    • martechnology