
Being the CEO of Blippar is a continuously exciting prospect. The industry is developing and evolving day by day, with constant innovations across the space.
Martech Interview with Faisal Galaria, Chief Executive Officer at Blippar
1. Being the Chief Executive Officer at Blippar, what is it like to lead an AR company?
Being the CEO of Blippar is a continuously exciting prospect. The industry is developing and evolving day by day, with constant innovations across the space. From the likelihood of AR glasses becoming mainstream within the very near future to companies and brands engaging and building for the Metaverse, we stay ahead of the curve by innovating our products.
At Blippar, we’re in the perfect position to cement these developments, and cater to the rapidly growing market. Although I am in the official leadership position, I’m inspired daily by my team. Their determination and passion to ensure we succeed as a company in such a fast-paced industry is what makes this job so fulfilling.
Additionally, our tech stack of SaaS tools and an AR Studio mean that we’re an open source for content creation. It’s exciting to have firsthand knowledge and to see the complex and detailed AR experiences that our customers are regularly developing.
2. What are the best use cases of Augmented Reality in Marketing?
Some of the most effective marketing use cases of AR can be seen across the CPG industry. AR turns physical objects – be this a tube of Pringles, a bottle of wine, or a packet of M&Ms – into each item’s own media channel. This is made possible with Marker Tracking technology, which enables users to activate an AR experience simply by scanning an object or surface with their phone.
In the case of Pringles, Kellogg’s recently launched an interactive Web AR experience using Blippar technology, which brings a soccer stadium into consumers’ homes.