CMI has around 150+ analysts working in various sub-verticals, and 50+ functional full time team members. In addition to this, the company has contract consultants in 24 countries working across the various industry verticals.
joined at 4 years ago
In-situ hybridization has greatly enhanced personalized...
In-situ hybridization is the combination of two methods for producing a hyb...
Medical carts are one of the most important portable de...
Medical carts are designed to save patients the hassle of crawling from one...
Medical cyclotrons is versatile instrument that is wide...
cyclotron system provides high energy density and long cycle time to facili...
Molecular Imaging is a critical technology typically us...
Molecular imaging can also help to determine how to target a patient's tumo...
Oncology Drug Pipeline Analysis Remains Key part of R&D...
The oncology pipeline is made up of different oncology research projects ai...
Rutile is Gaining Significant Demand with Widespread ap...
Rutile is used in a number of products, including some of today's most comm...
Acrylonitrile Is a High Temperature Resistant Oxidizing...
In the pharmaceutical industry, applications of acrylonitrile and its deriv...
Otoscope, a Handheld Instrument Used To Diagnose an Ear...
An otoscope (also known as auriscope) is a healthcare device used to examin...
Catheter Stabilization Devices; Designed to Reduce Cath...
Catheter stabilization devices are widely used during cancer treatment proc...
Automated Liquid Handling Systems; Designed to Perform...
Automated liquid handling systems are designed to perform multiple tasks in...
Growing self-medication pattern in favour of the Over-t...
Over-the-Counter drugs are medications sold directly to the consumer withou...
Detection, monitoring and protection of medical radiati...
Proper use of medical radiation detection equipment will help to prevent se...
Vascular closure systems are used in the treatment of c...
vascular closure devices have helped many patients with percutaneous corona...
The clinical trial supply and logistics sector is growi...
clinical trial supply and logistics sector is growing at a rapid pace in al...