
Molecular imaging is an exciting areaof clinical medicine that focuses on viewing the molecular processes occurringin living patients. In contrast to traditional methods of obtaining moleculardetails from frozen tissue samples, including nuclear medicine, molecularimaging utilizes live patients for diagnostic purposes. As a result, molecularimaging often provides more detail and greater insight into the disease processthan previously available through the use of various other methods.
One of the most common applicationsfor molecular imaging is in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. It hasrevolutionized how doctors are able to view the disease process in action andimproved the accuracy of surgical procedures. In particular, it has enabledradiologists to simultaneously image tumors and healthy tissue at the sametime, greatly improving the accuracy of surgical planning. Molecular imagingalso has particular applications in the field of cardiovascular medicine.Through the use of molecular probes, cardiologists can peer into heart cells todetermine vessel wall integrity, texture, and size.
Another application of molecularimaging in the field of nuclear medicine involves the detection andlocalization of oncogenes, molecules that cause cancer or other diseases. Oneexample of such a technique is immunofluorescence, which uses antibodies tofluorescently tag cancer cells or other biological entities and thereby enablethem to be detected and identified. In addition to cancer detection andtreatment, immunofluorescence techniques are also used in research studies ofvarious types of diseases and their mechanisms. Molecular imaging has thus farbeen an essential tool in the fight against many disease processes, includingcancer.
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