
Automated liquid handling systems are designed to performmultiple tasks in laboratories, such as sampling, mixing, and combining liquidsamples automatically. The system helps eliminate sample contamination, as wellas reduce manual work of laboratory personnel by performing various laboratorytasks. Moreover, automated liquid handling systems are able to add reagents,measure samples, and ensures uniform liquid addition to bioassays. The systemhelps minimize processing time by eliminating laboratory errors. Theseworkspaces vary in the amount of samples that can be handled and a variety ofintegrated software are available to maintain the footprint of work performedby automated fluid handling systems.
Pipettes & Consumables; automated liquid handlingsystems are being widely used around the world in laboratories across thedifferent scientific disciplines. Liquid handling systems enable the handlingof chemical compounds with high precision. They help in the efficient transportand storage of substances. Pipettes are usually used for the transportation andstorage of small amounts of chemicals like liquids and solvents. Pipettes andother related equipment are also used for the transportation and storage oflarge volumes of chemicals like gases, which requires high-pressurerefrigeration. The piping of liquid handling systems are generally available asintegral part of an automated system and are operated by remote control.
Automatedliquid handling systems are also being essential to speed up the productionof many complicated, multi-parameter experiments in a robust, reproducible, andrepeatable way, while freeing highly skilled scientists from lab-work toconcentrate on more specialized tasks, such as the analysis of experimentaldata and drafting of experimental plans. There are a wide range of applicationsof automated liquid handling systems in various research domains. They are usedfor the preparation of reagents, for the transportation and storage ofreagents, and for the transfer of reagents from one container to another, whileassuring the controlled exposure of reagents to hazardous conditions. Some ofthe well-known popular applications include the development of reagents in thewide-ranging biological sciences, manufacture of solid dose vaccines, andassays for the evaluation of samples from dangerous diseases such as anthrax.
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