
Acrylonitrileis also known as C 14 N. It is commonly used as an oxidizing agent in severalindustries. Some other names are acrylate, acrylamide, and polyacrylamide.Acrylonitrile comes in several forms such as spray, gels, foams, powders, andsheets. It is mainly used for industrial coating processes and because of itspliable quality, its usage is wide and it can be used on almost any surface.
Acrylonitrileand its derivatives (precursors) have many uses in several fields such asplastics and rubber compounds, paper products, and textiles, etc. Acrylonitrilehas its own set of characteristics that make it very useful. Apart from thefact that it can resist high temperatures and extreme pressures, it alsomaintains its stability even under alkalis or acids. Other than this,acrylonitrile has no effect on the physical or chemical properties of thematerials exposed to it.
Anotherdisadvantageous fact about acrylonitrileis its potential environmental toxicity and health issues. Long-term exposureto the toxicant can have adverse effects on the kidney, liver, central nervoussystem, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and many other organs ofthe body. In particular, the long term effects on the kidney can lead to kidneydisease, which can ultimately lead to death in some cases. Long-term exposureto acrylonitrile can also result in dermatitis, photosensitivity, renal cellcancer, and liver failure in human beings. Therefore, the use of this chemicalin the manufacture of rubber and other fluids in the environment needs to bemonitored by competent authorities, including the United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA).