
Catheter stabilization devices are medical devices that aredesigned to reduce the risk for phlebitis, catheter dislodgement and migration,and to reduce catheter-related complications. These devices also reduces therisk and chances of needle-stick injuries. Catheter migration refers todisplacement of the peritoneal dialysis catheter from the pelvis to the upperabdomen. While catheter dislodgement occur when patients are agitated, whenthey are moved, or when equipment is checked or adjusted. More commonly,catheters become dislodged when greater forces are exerted upon the catheterthan the securement method was designed to withstand.
Catheter stabilization devices are widely used during cancertreatment procedures, general surgeries, cardiovascular surgeries, and others.The recent past has witnessed use of advance stabilization devices byhospitals, surgical centers, and other healthcare facilities to reduce the rateof catheter-related complications during surgical procedures. These devices canbe used in both children and adults who need catheterization. Furthermore, catheterstabilization devices offer stable securement for a catheter, unlike normaltapping or dressing. A catheter is a long, flexible tube that is inserted in avein or an artery through the skin.
There are many different types of catheterstabilization devices such as central venous catheter, peripheral venouscatheter, etc. The primary difference between these two is the route of theirinsertion into the body. While the former is placed in the upper body andpasses through the heart and umbilical cord, the latter passes through the legsand feet. This makes the latter prone to blockage from pathogens, such asbacteria, viruses, and parasites. The catheters are usually put into positionthrough the help of an incision in the skin, usually in the leg area. They maybe positioned through the help of staples or sutures or completely through theskin.
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