
Every student no matter the program he/she is enrolled in having one main goal and that is to acquire an A grade or possibly A1 if you are a brilliant student. And while if you work hard you might be able to fulfill that goal but at certain times in life, you come across a professor who is hell-bent on making your life hell and is never satisfied no matter how much extra effort you put in your work. They are the ones that also give you low grades decreasing your chances of maintaining a high cgpa. The question that arises is how to deal with such teachers and get them to give you your desired grades?
For such teachers, one has to understand their psychology. You need to study, research and understand what that teacher requires from his/her students. Check the work of your classmates who were able to get a higher grade than you from that specific professor and compare it to your work to see what improvements are needed from your side. Maybe there are some mistakes that you were not able to see in your work and the teacher saw them. Or you can also get a senior to give you some tips on how to impress or make a good impression on that professor and get into his/her good books. Another tip is to get professional editing and proofreading help from an essay editing service to get your essays edited and perfected before submitting them so that your professor will not have a single chance of cutting off your grades, If he is smart, be smarter.