
Microservices may not be an entirely new concept, but it’s certainly becoming more popular thanks to the growth of cloud computing and serverless functions. Using microservices means more scalable applications that are faster to update, so it’s no wonder that so many companies want to get in on the trend – and what better way to do this than by creating your own microservices framework?
12 Go-To Microservices Frameworks for a Scalable:
Spring Boot / Spring Boot with Spring Cloud
Spring Boot is an open source application framework that can be used to create web applications, services and reactive microservices. It provides many of the things you need to create these applications, including:
A Java based build tool to compile, test, package and run your application. An embedded servlet container to run your application on the same machine as your development environment (in development), or in any other Java compatible environment (in production). Integration with popular libraries for handling requests and responses.
Eclipse Vert.X
Vert.x is an open source toolkit and runtime that helps you build reactive, scalable applications on the JVM. It has been designed to support polyglot programming where developers can use the best language or framework to suit their needs. This makes Vert.x highly flexible as it can be used with Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Python and so on. In addition, Vert.x integrates well with other technologies including ReactJS, Kafka and Hadoop. Developers who want to maximize performance may also want to consider using the platform in conjunction with Apache Ignite.
Oracle Helidon
Helidon is an open source, high performance and lightweight framework which leverages the power of Kotlin. The framework provides a set of prebuilt implementations to handle common use cases. In addition, it also supports RxJava2 and Reactive Streams as well as being compatible with other JVM languages like Java, Groovy and Scala. Some of the features include pluggable threading model, dependency injection container, asynchronous HTTP server and more.
In terms of documentation and community support Oracle has been able to maintain their services through their strong backing in general Open Source projects such as Apache CassandraTM (NoSQL) Database; Apache SparkTM; Oracle MySQL®; Elasticsearch®, etc.
Microservices are small, autonomous services that interact with each other to form a large system. Their main purpose is to break up the monolithic applications and improve scalability by improving resource utilization. One of the most popular microservice frameworks is called GoMicro, which provides easy service discovery and auto load balancing among other features. The framework also takes care of common concerns like data serialization and request tracing.
The molecular framework is one of the most popular microservice frameworks out there, and for good reason: it's well documented, and has a lot of features that make it easy to use. It also has great documentation on how to get started with setting up your first project. The only downside is that it doesn't have any authentication/authorization built into it; if you want those features you'll need to add them in yourself.
The Quarkus framework is a Java-based microservice framework that is designed to be simple and extensible. With the ability to handle both synchronous and asynchronous requests, Quarkus has been used in enterprise level architecture. The key difference between Quarkus and other frameworks is its developer friendly approach; this design makes it easier to build scalable applications with minimal time investment.
Microservices frameworks are a great way to build a scalable application. A microservice is a software system designed to perform a single function and can be written in any programming language.
Frameworks like Micronaut help you build and deploy your microservices quickly, easily, and reliably. It is an open source, JVM-based framework that makes the development of Spring Boot APIs easier. It’s easy to get started with it because all that’s needed is Java and a text editor. If you have never used Spring Boot before then it also includes dependency management with Gradle or Maven, as well as built-in WebSocket support and Actuator endpoints out of the box.
Lagom is Lightbend's microservice framework. It provides the necessary APIs and abstractions to help you design applications composed of independent microservices that can be developed, tested, deployed, scaled independently. Lagom has been designed from the ground up to support reactive programming with streaming data sources and sinks.
Lagom provides an opinionated set of libraries and frameworks that are optimized to work together well.
With the variety of microservice frameworks available, picking the right framework can be hard. AxonIQ is one of the most popular and in-demand frameworks out there. AxonIQ has gained traction among developers because it has many advantages over other frameworks. It is easy to learn, responsive, resilient, highly scalable and has an intuitive design.
Microservices Frameworks are the best way to build scalable applications. One of the most popular Frameworks is Ballerina, which was developed by engineers from Google and Twitter. Ballerina allows for developers to take advantage of microservices architecture without cheating any new code or reinventing the wheel. This framework is great because it uses high level primitives that allow developers to focus on application logic rather than low level software design concerns. Hire dedicated developers to acquire the full potential of it.
Microservices Frameworks DropWizard is one of the best microservice frameworks out there, especially when it comes to ease of use. It's built on top of Java and has some excellent support for building microservices in any language. It also has an easy way to make sure that your services are all running and communicating with each other correctly. DropWizard will make sure you have great performance and scalability.
Eclipse MicroProfile
Since the Eclipse MicroProfile is a specification of Java Enterprise Edition (EE) and can be used with other frameworks, it can work seamlessly with any microservice framework. These days developers are looking for fast, lightweight, flexible and easily deployable services which the Eclipse MicroProfile has to offer. It provides standard APIs that developers need to build microservices.
While there are hundreds of microservices frameworks to choose from, there is no one perfect solution. It's important to weigh the pros and cons of each framework to find the best custom web application development services that fit your needs. Regardless of which framework you choose, it will take time and hard work to successfully implement it into your business.