
Marketing is one of the core components of any successful business. Because of its importance, there are more and more ways through which you can marketing automatizado. A very good example is the automatization of campañas email marketing.
There are many benefits that can be obtained from the automatization of any part of the marketing. Each type of automatization will bring different benefits to your business, but there are two benefits that are brought by all of them.
What Are the Benefits Brought by Marketing Automatizado?
The two most important benefits brought by marketing automatizado are:
- Cost reduction. Successful businesses understand the importance of marketing and the amount of money that they invest in it is enormous. But that does not mean that they should simply throw money in marketing and be done with it. Nowadays the smart solution is to automatize some parts of the process. But it is impossible to fully automate everything because there many parts that can’t be automatized. For example, human creativity, psychology, and other aspects that only a human can produce. Of course, there are, also, many parts that can. For example, the process of verifying e-mails from campañas email marketing.
- Increased efficiency. Not only your costs will be reduced, but also the efficiency with which a computer accomplishes tasks is much faster and better than a human. This is why the efficiency of your marketing will rise. The results you get will be better, and they will also come much faster. Multiply this by the number of automatizations that you have in place and you should be able to imagine how important this benefit can get for your business.
Like it is specified above, every type of automation comes together with its own benefits. That is why you should research all of them and try to find out the ones that will offer the largest amount of benefits to your business. Every business is different, and this is why certain automation may help you more than they would do for others. For example, any company that does business online need to automate their email marketing campaigns. But keep in mind that you can’t automate this process completely, some part must still be done by humans.
What Can and What Can’t Be Automatized at Campañas Email Marketing?
These are the parts that can be automated in your campañas email marketing and also why should you automate them:
- Time of sending. The most important benefit of this automation is that you will always be able to send emails to your subscribers at an hour when the chance to open them is the highest. Also, this will also allow you to be constant, to make them get used to your emails. By doing that you can influence them to always look at their emails exactly when you are going to send the next one.
- Sequel emails. By automated this part, you can send a sequel of email to new subscribers without the need to always send them manually. You can also choose to send different emails that depend on the action that your subscriber took in the previous one. For example, this will offer you the possibility to wither upsell or to down-sell automatically.
- Verifying emails. This is another important process that you need to automate. Is it that important? Of course, you should always keep your email list clean. You do not want to get low open rates and conversion because of unused emails. By doing this you will also be able to build a better community and much faster.
On the other hand, there are many parts of email marketing that can’t be automated:
- Copy. This is the obvious one. A computer will not be able to write a customizable text that influences the emotions of a human (humans buy with emotions and after that, they will rationalize their choice). This happens because the computer is not able to understand them.
- Design. This is also another component that can’t be automated with success. It is possible to make a computer to do it, but because of the lack of creativity, the results obtained will have low quality.
- Results management. Although the results can be quantified, and a computer will be able to tell you which work and which do not, but he will not be able to understand why they worked or why they did not. This is why you can’t fully marketing automatizado, and you will still need humans to take care of these parts.