
immunity Boosters
This is a very oldsaying, I m sure every one of us has heard this at some point in life. But noone knew, nor no one heard Covid was going to attack us. Asian Flu hit us in1957, originating from Hongkong which is a part of China. This Flu spreadthrough U.S, England, and many countries, taking a death toll of about aMillion. Then came HIV/AIDS in 1982, which spread globally, taking death tollsby 35 Million still counting.
Then in 2003 came SARS from China again, death toll 700+. 2019 saw the worst, Covid third Virus attackfrom China. Death toll 3.5 Million still counting. What do you think therecould be another Virus attack? I m very sure that the breeding grounds forVirus is already happening somewhere, maybe China or someplace else. But it'ssure to happen in another decade or so.
So what are youwaiting for, another attack? Let me tell you a story of King Akbar; most peopleknow he was famous because of his deeds. Though he was a Mughal Emperor, he wasstill the first to respect all other religions. He was the first to say peoplewho were forcibly converted to Islam can reconvert to their respectivereligions without the usual death penalty. He celebrated different festivals ofother religions like his own. He was also the first Mughal king to give upmeat-eating on a daily basis. He stopped the animal slaughter. And many moresuch deeds made him famous.
Akbar conquered Delhiin India and put Tardi Baig Khan as the head of Delhi. During Akbar's stay inFatehpur Sikhri, the city that Akbar founded, water quality was not so good.And he fell ill. This is when Tardi Khan told Akbar about the water of riverGanga and its miraculous healing powers. Akbar there onwards started drinkingwater from river Ganga. He then quit staying at the city of Fatehpur Sikhri andmoved to Agra. In the 15th century, the Mughals knew about strange plants andwater of rivers that had miraculous healing power.
What I learned fromthis is that no matter how great you are, anyone can fall sick. You can resortto Allopathic medicines, Homeopathic or Ayurvedic. But the latter is bestwithout side effects. So Ayurvedic herbs can naturally heal the internal organsof our body. It will give the necessary Immunity, so that's why they called Immunity Boosters. As they give our WBC ( white Blood Corpuscles ) theessential vitamins to fight infection. I have given here one reference to awebsite that gives such knowledge on Immunity. So click on these links, and youwill get to know what food you should eat, what fruits give the best vitamins?.Which are the best spices to add in your meal? If you are habitual of drinkingTea, that website has the best Tea for colds (2). How tomake Herbal Tea (4)? And bonus best Iced Tea and How to make Iced Tea (6).