
Market Outlook
Arginine is an α-amino acid present in the human body as well asin small quantities in some fruits such as almonds, peanuts, pecans, andwalnuts. Arginine performs synthesis or production of protein in the humanbody. Arginine is classified as a conditionally essential or semi-essentialamino acid. As arginine is a conditional amino acid, it can be produced eitherinternally or through supplements according to the individual's requirement. Tocater the demand for conditional amino acid, arginine supplements arerecommended as a source. The body of preterm infants are unable to createarginine; hence they require amino acid or arginine. For childrens, asufficient amount of arginine is important in the diet to support their growth.Arginine is used to manufacture dietary supplements, medicines, and cosmeticproducts. Arginine supplements helps cure inflammation and migraine. Argininehelps to enhance immunity power, stimulate the secretion of hormone growth,promotes wound healing and ammonia detoxification, among other functions. Also,the consumption of L-arginine supplements leads to cure from congestive heartfailure problems, arterial occlusion, and to lower blood pressure. Arginine orarginine supplements helps in strengthening the immune system and maintainliver health. By considering the above benefits of arginine, the demand forarginine is expected high in the near future.
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Arginine an EssentialAmino Acid That Helps Muscle Building.
Arginine is an essential amino acid, building blocks for theprotein that helps muscle building. Arginine is available in the market as asupplement named as L-arginine supplement. Arginine supplement is a good sourceof amino acid and is a good product for gym goers for bodybuilding. Also, manysports nutrition, health foods, and drinks are developed by arginine forathletes and fitness enthusiasts. Except fitness freaks, bodybuilders, andathletes, arginine supplements are suggested for the people with proteindeficiency or malnutrition concerns.
Global Arginine Market: Key Players
The global Argininemarket is evolving due to the increasing trend of muscle building.Hence, many supplement and health and fitness products manufacturers arefocusing on this product. Some of the key manufacturers and distributorsoperating in the global arginine market are JarrowFormulas, Inc., Prinova Group LLC., Glanbia Nutritionals (NA), Inc., NOW Foods,Infinite Labs, Twinlab Corporation, Olympian Labs, Inc., and Ajinomoto Group, Scientific SportsNutrition (Pty) Ltd. By considering the increasing demand forarginine, many other manufacturers are showing a keen interest in arginine.
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Opportunities for Market Participants
The growing trend of muscles building around the world isexpected to create significant opportunities for the manufacturers of arginineto grow their business through the development of innovative products. Arginineis used in pharmaceutical industries to manufacture supplements and medicinesto treat various health problems such as heart failure, chest pain, kidneyinflammation, erectile dysfunction, and problems related to the immune system,which is creating prospects for the growth of the arginine market. Also, thelocal diet of certain regions such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and nearbycountries lacks amino acids, which creates the need for the consumption ofsupplements rich in amino acid such as arginine supplement to fulfill the dailyrequirement of amino acid in the body. Hence, manufacturers should focus onthese regions as the demand for the arginine is expected high in these regions.Also, due to changing lifestyle globally have resulted in various lifestylediseases such as diarrhea, chronic kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease,among others. In some countries like the U.S.A and Europe exposure tosuch disease is prevalent that leads to an increase in healthcare expenditure;hence, this factor is expected to drive the arginine market. So, by thesefactors, it is anticipated that Arginine market will grow positive during theupcoming years.
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