How to Choose the Right Bird Food
How to Choose the Right Bird Food
People choose many types of bird species as their companions and each of them has dietary requirements.

People choose many types of bird species as their companions and each of them has dietary requirements. It might seem overwhelming to find the right bird food, but the good news is that there are many great products at pet shops, having all necessary nutrients and owners are able to find highly useful information online and at vets. There are some products that have to be included in their diets, such as bird seed, pellets, fruits and berries. Some are part of their base diet, while others are considered snacks.

What bird food to choose

Many people believe that it is enough to feed their birds a single type of food. However, the ideal diet is more than seeds and pellets. Many species require a balanced meal, filled with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Choosing the right food is very important and it will be reflected in their feather production, how happy they are and how their skin is. In the wild, birds indulge in a variety of foods and these should be replicated at home.  Bird food  is quite diverse nowadays and you can easily find nutritious options at pet shops.

Owners have the responsibility of offering quality food, whole and natural. A bird that does not benefit from a good diet will end up with viral and bacterial infections and will not live out its full life span. Good food boosts the immune system and helps fight any illness. Nothing compares to seeing your feathered friend all lively and happy, ready to spend quality time with you and cheer you up. People can focus on a base diet and snacks, to treat your companion from time to time.

What bird seed to choose

The base diet is what you feed your bird on a daily basis. This should be highly nutritious and focused on what your companion enjoys the most. Pellets, berries,  bird seed , are part of the category and these should be available in their bowls throughout the day. Small birds eat a lot, because they have a fast metabolism and their bowls should not be empty. In the morning, birds are the hungriest, and if you find their bowl is empty in the evening, you can add more.

There are many options out there and owners become confused at a certain point. There are combinations of products, seeds with fruits and vegetables, to make the selection even tastier and more nutritious for birds. When you read labels, it is important to look for Omega fatty acids, minerals and vitamins, as these are essential and influence your bird’s behavior. Snacks are also important, especially the ones that encourage certain behaviors, such as foraging. Some options should be fun and interactive and allow your bird to indulge into them, just like they do in the wild.

Vegetables and fruits are part of the bird food essentials and you can include yams, broccoli, corn and carrots. As for fruits, grapes, apples, bananas and berries make a good choice. Some products are prohibited, as they cause a lot of harm, such as chocolate, spicy food, avocados and beverages. The truth is that diets have to be balanced and mixed, as a single option will not be enough and will not meet their dietary requirements.

Feeding birds only seeds is not always a good idea, because not all of them are nutritious and have fatty acids. For example, sunflower seeds alone are high in fat and lack nutrients and feeding your bird only this selection will do them a lot of harm. Some birds are reticent to change and if they get used to a specific food from the beginning, they might refuse something else. This is why it is beneficial to diverse their diets from the beginning, so they will be more open and take advantage of the highly nutritious and delicious foods out there.

Companions that only eat bird seed are often given supplements to complement their diet. This is especially the case for birds recovering from an injury, those laying eggs of molting or birds stressed out due to loss of their partner. You can discuss with your veterinarian and seek out the right option and then head up to a pet shop to find all necessary supplies. You can easily find many brands that supply all sorts of products for your species, because different birds have different needs and as an owner, you have the responsibility to fulfill them. Your dedication and care will be visible in their overall health and mood.