SEO on Web Pages, What Do You Know About It?
SEO on Web Pages, What Do You Know About It?
We could say that technical SEO is the set of resources that guarantee the health of your website design Dubai. That is, all those actions that can be developed in order to improve a company website. Thus, guaranteeing adequate indexing and tracking of content by the search engine's algorithms.

Most of the time, there is a tendency to pay so much attention to the positioning of each specific content, that technical SEO has become the great forgotten. A fairly common mistake that is often made in the content marketing strategy when you want to attract web traffic on website design Dubai.


The expertise of SEO agency Dubai could give fair idea: why technical SEO "takes weight" when it comes to achieving a preferential place on the first page of the search engine.


What is technical SEO?


From a specialist perspective, technical SEO is defined as the standard that includes all the aspects that the configuration of a website design Dubai must meet to appear in search results.


Therefore, in addition to positioning each entry uploaded to a web pages, for example. It is also possible to apply advanced SEO techniques that allow positioning for the entire website.


Objectives of technical SEO


It is possible to summarize all the specific objectives of this standard, in two main ones when defining the positioning strategy:


Good positioning in the SERPS


If the purpose of SEO actions is for the value of the content to be identified by search engines when the user enters a keyword. Technical SEO also aims to highlight the entire website design Dubai.


If a good job has been done, the probability that each web page entry will be indexed and positioned in a good place, increases a lot. It is also essential for this that the content is of quality and that all the recommendations that the search engine gives regarding SEO are met.


Good user experience


Getting the user to feel comfortable while browsing a website is rewarded by Google.


Improving the user experience translates into a longer time spent on the page, as well as a reduction in the bounce rate.


The basic pillars of technical SEO


The elements that must be met to consider that a website design Dubai has adequate and beneficial technical SEO for its positioning in search engines are summarized as follows:


Technical Web SEO


Website loading speed


This element is extremely important to achieve the objectives of a good technical SEO . Search engines are "fine" enough to detect whether or not the loading time generates a good user experience. Therefore, even if the effort to create excellent content is the maximum, the search engine will not give credibility to your website if it loads slowly.


To achieve this, the website design Dubai must contain clean code and be free of files that do not favor loading times.


Website structure


Another element that is super important in technical SEO is building a smart and SEO-friendly web architecture. That facilitates navigation.


A website must be organized following a hierarchy in which pages and entries are clear. This is essential to achieve a good position in the search results and to offer the visitor a pleasant user experience.


Simple to index


Only a sitemap can facilitate the indexing of a website.


If it is a WordPress, with the installation of a plugin it is possible to generate a sitemap. However, in the case of an eCommerce web design Dubai, its creation can be much more complex. So you may need the help of SEO agency Dubai .


Responsive Website design for different devices


Mobile-friendliness is also considered a basic element for achieving good technical SEO. Considering that a website is well displayed on any device and carrying it out, will be rewarded by the search engine algorithms.


Position yourself with The SEO agency Dubai!


Therefore, one of the keys that you should consider in technical SEO is the structure and architecture of a website design Dubai. Thus, as of the contents that are uploaded, they are essential for Google, Bing or Yahoo Search to index properly.