
Havinga coach is valuable. Business leaders and numerous executives know the impacthaving the right coach can have.The right coach can help speed up change andboost a person’s performance. There are many different types of coaches. Eachcoach has their way of doing things. Finding a coach that works best for youcan be hard and confusing. Understanding the types of coaches, what they do,and their focus is the first step to finding the perfect one for you. Youshould know the type of coach you are seeking before you start interviewingpeople. This helps narrow down your search to those that practice in therealm of coaching you need. Here are some common types of coaches andwhat they do,
Maybeyou are struggling to keep a healthy work/life balance. Maybe problems in yourpersonal life impact how you perform at work. If this is the case, a personalcoach may be right for you. Personal coaches are general and can help clientsaddress numerous professional and personal challenges. This is also a goodplace to begin if you are not sure which type of coach is best for you.
Maybeyou procrastinate. You have amazing plans, but never seem to be able to meetthe deadlines. An accountability coach may be what you need. They assistin setting precise goals, making commitments, and help clients navigate thechallenges, both emotional and logical, that may prevent them from meeting yourgoals.
Careercoaches are a perfect option for individuals that are struggling with adecision about making a change in their career or are tiring to decide the paththey want their career to take. They can assist in setting long-term goals andhelp you design your professional road.
Theycan help you analyze potential positions and assist you in creating options foryour future. If you need structure to get things done; they can provide youwith written plans and help hold you accountable for meeting the goals you set.
Movingup the ladder at any company can be challenging. Your focus has to shift fromdoing the work and getting it done to organizing teams and projects, assigningtasks to others, and often comes with making more difficult decisions. Executive coaching focuseson assisting leadership with things like productivity, critical thinking, andcommunication. This type of coach is excellent when moving up the ladder ormoving to a new company. They help with perspectives, developing strategies,and prioritizing tasks.
Leadershipand executive coaching are similar but not the same. Once you are at thehighest management level you can reach, your focus again changes from directingpeople and projects to set the priorities of the organization. This is adifficult transition. Leadership coaches can help ease the transition and shiftthe focus to planning and strategizing for the long term. Many CEOs havecoaches that are trusted partners and assist them in keeping their goals andpriorities in order.