
Western Clothes - Fashion Meets Function
You will find handful of other examples in American culture where a way of dressing is so linked to an identity and way of life. American Cowboy culture is identifiable around the world and has expanded to imply so much more than a straightforward cattle herder. At one time western wear was a way of life; the cowboy hat, jeans, pointy boots and uniquely western shirts for men meant that a he earned his pay by operating on a farm or ranch feeding livestock, branding cattle, mending fences, clearing brush and moving livestock to a greener pasture. A hardworking cowboy knew the way to read the weather, sling a gun, light a fire, bandage an injury and survive out on the open variety using a buck knife, somewhat luck and not a great deal else. Get a lot more data about Wei’s Western Wear - Western and Work Wear
Cowboys will not be defined by unique words, but by a steely gaze, clenched jaw and unique fashion sense. If a man wore western clothes, it meant that every little thing in his wardrobe served a function to his job. A hat to protect in the sun and rain, a bandana to clean the sweat from his brow and preserve the dust storm out of his face, a pair of high leading pointed boots to maintain his feet within the stirrups, sturdy jeans and western shirts for guys to hold up to the long hours and days on horseback and all types of climate, snags and brush. Western wear was produced to survive anything the day might bring, along with the definitive style has translated into the ultimate look for the hardworking, freedom loving American.
With all the Spaghetti western, Hollywood took cowboy culture in to the popular spotlight and suddenly every person wanted to possess the cowboy look (minus the cows needless to say). Western clothing took on a romantic and in truth cliché representation with the honorable, lonesome man on the variety, beating down malicious thugs and riding off into the sunset. Western wear as well as the cowboy look is a genre into itself and look translates across a entire array of men and women. Bankers, lawyers, real estate brokers, fashion models as well as the kid up the block who thinks a cowboy hat looks cool all desire to tap into the cowboy mystique.
However even with all the efficiencies and comforts of modern life you will discover still folks who would rather invest per day out inside the pasture mending a fence than pushing paper confined to a cubicle inside a high-rise workplace building. Persons who want functional western shirts for guys do not define themselves by their western clothing, but the life-style it represents, as well as the blood and sweat that's washed out of them in the finish of a tough day's work.