
Garagedoor springs provide us with an essential service. Every time you utilize yourgarage door, the high tension springs help lift it and lower it securely and ina controlled way, indicating they are under a lot of stress and strain.
Thismeans you should always have them inspected for safety reasons as often aspossible to check they aren't going to snap and break soon. The two differenttypes of garage springs are torsion and extension.
Torsionsprings are on a rod above the door, and there are usually two of them eitherside of the center. They lift the door either by manual lifting from you orelectronically. They typically have a life cycle of 10-20 thousand uses, and ifone breaks, the other one is likely to go soon, so get them both replaced atthe same time if possible.
Extensionsprings work differently by going along the right and left door tracks and aremore simple to repair. However, they do come with a particular safety riskbecause they are under extreme tension the whole time, so make sure you getthem properly fitted.
Itshould be easy to see which type of spring your garage door uses just bylooking at where it is. If you are in any apprehension about the safety of yourspring, make sure you have a professional look at it as soon as possible.
ProfessionalMasters specializes in delivering value for your dollars, and so ourworkmanship ensures longevity and reliability. When you employ our services,your satisfaction is assured. Therefore, whatever door issue you have, beassured that the solution is just a phone call away.
Residentialor commercial installations or from a broken spring, loose cable, amalfunctioning door opener to a complete replacement, we are the number onechoice of all as we are the industry innovators and leaders. For best quality,and customized solutions for Garage door services, garage doorssupply, installation, and repair, contact Professional Masters, at1-866-808-4555 today!