A Variety Of Advanced Dental Implant Surgical Techniques Including Dental Bone Graft And Substitutes Have Made Dental Implant Surgery Increasingly Popular
A Variety Of Advanced Dental Implant Surgical Techniques Including Dental Bone Graft And Substitutes Have Made Dental Implant Surgery Increasingly Popular
Dental Bone Graft And Substitutes

A live tissue that can aid in bone healing that is transplanted into a bony defect, either alone or in conjunction with other materials, is referred to as a bone graft. A Dental Bone Graft And Substitutes is a natural or artificial substance that can serve the same function but typically only contains a mineralized bone matrix and no living cells. Since the first reported use of bone grafts in 1682, when a cranial lesion was successfully repaired with a cranial bone transplant from a dead dog, bone grafts and substitutes have been utilised in the medical field. Due to improvements in dental implantology and the increasing demand for the correction of cranial bony abnormalities, the use of bone grafts and substitutes in dentistry has significantly expanded in recent years.

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