
Improving soil structure before planting trees | Arborcraft Tree Services
At Arborcraft we offer a range of soil management techniques to support the optimum growth of your trees across Melbourne.
A good soil structure – one that is rich in nutrients and well-oxygenated – is the key to ensuring the long-term health of trees. But in urban environments, trees are often lacking these and need a helping hand.
Three ways we improve soil structure include de-compacting the soil and applying fertilizers and mulch.
These are trusted techniques that can be applied at a small residential scale, as well as large commercial operations – you can even follow these as a guide in your own backyard.
Soil decompaction
At Arborcraft we use a tool called Air-Spade to break up and clear away soil around the roots of your tree.
This creates a more porous environment that encourages strong healthy roots, and improves nutrient and water uptake in trees of any age and size.
After de-compacting the soil, we apply fertilizers (synthetic and/or organic manure and composts) around the base of the tree.
Fertilizers provide the necessary nutrients for the nourishment of our urban trees.
Arborcraft then spreads mulch around the root zone of freshly planted trees, which improves water retention and the flow of air through the soil.
To learn more about Arborcraft’s soil management services in Melbourne, or for a quote, click here.