Doppler Ultrasound Market Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018– 2026
Doppler Ultrasound Market Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018– 2026
Doppler Ultrasound Market Report- 2020 Analyses competitive environment such as key players, future trends, growths, challenges and acquisitions in the market.

Doppler Ultrasound MarketDrivers:-

Major drivers for growth of the Dopplerultrasound market are advancement in technology of Doppler ultrasounddevices and rising awareness about improved gynecological care for pregnantwomen. In 2009, Mindray Medical International Limited launched DC-8 Mindray, aportable color Doppler echo machine. It provides a unique scanning experience,can be used for fetal biometry analysis, aids in ovarian mass examination,offers a crystal image quality, is user friendly interface, offerscomprehensive analysis, has echo enriched beam forming, provides phase shiftharmonic imaging, iBeam, iClear, 3D/4D imaging, and others. DC-8 Mindray’s ismajorly used for application in OB-GYN (Obstetrician-gynecologist). In 2013,Mindray launched DC-N3 Pro, which has an inbuilt tutorial software, automeasurement of fetal parameters, multiple beam foundation, IVF Package, andElastography to measure the stiffness and elasticity of soft tissue. Otherfactors expected to aid in growth of this market are rising prevalence ofchronic diseases and life style diseases in geriatric population, advancementsin technology in Doppler ultrasound devices making it more affordable andreliable, and increasing awareness about therapeutic and non-invasivetreatments. Doppler ultrasound can also be used to detect breast cancers.According to a study conducted by National Cancer Institute in 2017, the U.S.has over 266,120 cases of breast cancer.

Dearth in trained and qualifiedtechnicians to use newly developed equipment and preference of male child incountries such as India has to development of stringent government regulationsuch as The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act and Pre –Natal DiagnosticTechniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act and these factors areexpected to negatively affect growth of the market. Due to such laws, registrationof laboratories, counselling centers, and clinics such as sonography centers,mobile sonography vans, and others is mandatory. Such laws can be a restraintfor adoption of such medical equipment.

A Doppler ultrasound is anon-invasive test. It is used to estimate the flow of blood through bloodvessels by using high frequency of sound waves i.e. ultrasound on thecirculating blood cells. A Doppler ultrasound may help to diagnose variousconditions such as blood clots, poor functioning of valves in leg veins,congenital heart disease, heart valve defects, blocked artery, decrease ofblood circulation in legs, bulging arteries, narrowing of an artery for examplecarotid artery stenosis. Doppler ultrasound can estimate the rate of flow ofblood by measuring the rate of change in the frequency of sound waves. It is apain free test as it only involves high intensity sound waves. Dopplerultrasound is also commonly used in pregnancy, and is used to study the bloodcirculation in baby, uterus, and placenta. An alternative to non- invasiveDoppler ultrasound test is a more invasive procedure such as angiography, inwhich dye is injected into the blood vessels so their images are clearly seenon X-ray. Doppler Ultrasound can be classified into two types i.e. trolley-basedand hand-held based. Hand held based Doppler ultrasound is comparativelycheaper than trolley-based as it consumes less electricity.

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Key Developments in DopplerUltrasound Market

In January 2016, SIMnext, LLC, amedical simulation research and development company, launched its first DRDoppler Dynamic Ultrasonography Training System (DR Doppler) in the U.S.Moreover, in January 2016, SIMnext, LLC partnered with Limbs & Things, Inc.,company based in Bristol, United Kingdom, to distribute the DR Dopplerglobally.

In November 2016, NeuralAnalytics, a U.S.-based medical device company, launched its Lucid M1Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound System. It is a portable brain monitoringsystem intended to measure cerebral blood flow velocities within the head andneck.

In October 2018, BMV TechnologyCo., Ltd. launched its BPU60 Hand-Carried Portable Color Doppler UltrasoundSystem. The novel systems features advanced imaging platform, high-performanceimage, processing chips to obtained more powerful data. Moreover, technologiessuch as imaging technology, speckle noise reduction technology, new imageenhancement technology, and multi-beam parallel processing technology arein-built in the system for better imaging outcome.

In January 2019, Konica MinoltaHealthcare, India, launched the AeroScan range of digital ultrasound systems inIndia. The AeroScan range includes entry level B&W ultrasound systems tohigh-end colour Dopplers such as portable colour Doppler CD10 and CD20, andboth with 15” LCD displays. Moreover, for mid-range, company offers CD30featuring high density probe and wide angle transvaginal probe, and 8” touchscreen LCD display. CD 30 has inbuilt battery back up in a compact mobilesystem.

In February 2019, Kiran MedicalSystems, a radiology division of Trivitron Healthcare, launched its KiranSonoRad V9 Color Doppler in India. SonoRad V9 can be used in nursing homes,diagnostic centers and large & mid-size hospitals.

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Doppler Ultrasound MarketRegional Analysis:-

Asia Pacific region is expectedto exhibit significant growth in the global Doppler ultrasound market, due toincrease of geriatric population and advancements in technology such asdevelopment of portable Doppler ultrasound. According to survey conducted byMinistry of statistics and program implementation in 2016 geriatric populationis increasing at the rate of 8.6% out of which more than 50 million aresuffering from heart disease. Mindray Medical International Limited is China’slargest medical equipment developer, manufacturer, and also does marketing of avariety of medical equipment both for human and veterinary use. They have awide range of Doppler ultrasound products like Mindray M6 Ultrasound machine,Mindray Zonare Resona 7 Ultrasound Machine, Mindray DP-20 Portable ultrasoundMachine, etc. North America is also expected to exhibit high growth rate in dueto new product launches by key players in the region. For instance, in 2014,ZONARE Medical Systems—a U.S.-based company—introduced new feature in its Z3 product.Zonar continues their product Z3 with the introduction of a new advancementZ.ONE PRO. This covers all applications ranging from pediatrics to geriatrics,built on ZONE SONOGRAPHY Technology. Its applications are cardiac, breast,anesthesia, emergency medicine, OB-GYN (Obstetrician-gynecologist), and venousand vascular. According to a study conducted by OECD (The Organization ofEconomic Corporation and Development) in 2016, prevalence of chronic diseasesin U.S. is rising due to changes in lifestyle by 7% and prevalence of dementiain geriatric population is also rising gradually in the country, which isexpected to support the Doppler ultrasound market growth in North America.

Doppler Ultrasound Key Players:-

Key players operating in theglobal Doppler ultrasound market include Toshiba Corporation, Mindray medicalinternational limited, General Electric Company, Hitachi Limited, Samsungelectronics, FUJI FILM Holdings Corporation, Koninklijke Philips, Seimens, andAnalogic Corporation.

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