Cholestasis Treatment Market Size Share Trends Forecast 2026
Cholestasis Treatment Market Size Share Trends Forecast 2026
Cholestasis Treatment Market Report- 2026 Analyses competitive environment such as key players, future trends, growths, challenges and acquisitions in the market.

Technological advancements aswell as development of efficient diagnostic tests will ensure early detectionof the disease, thereby augmenting growth of the CholestasisTreatment Market. Cholestasis disease can affect many sides of lipidmetabolism. Accumulation of toxic bile constituents in hepatocytes owing todisturbance of the bile from the liver to the gut can harm hepatocytes, whichmight result into damaged synthetic functionality and lessened production ofenzymes concerned in the lipoprotein metabolism. Moreover, lipoproteindischarge is disturbed at some stage in cholestasis, revealed by decline in HDLlevels and emergence of the abnormal lipoprotein X in the plasma. Sincecholestasis can be linked to a variety of diseases, its treatment is of utmostimportance.

The liver plays a pivotal role incontrol of a variety of aspects of lipid metabolism. Principally, the liversynthesizes bile, ingredients of which are necessary for fat absorption in theintestine. Moreover, biliary discharge of cholesterol and phospholipids intothe intestine is of key significance in body lipid homeostasis. Additionally,the liver supplies the plasma lipoproteins; it produces apoproteins that isresponsible for regulating many metabolic interconversions amongst lipoproteinclasses. It also regulates lipoprotein lipid ingredients such as triglycerides,cholesterol, and phospholipids. Cholestasis is a state in which the bile juicefrom the liver cannot flow to the duodenum (the first section of the smallintestine). There are two basic types of cholestasis – obstructive type ofcholestasis, and metabolic types of cholestasis. In obstructive type ofcholestasis, there is a blockage in the duct system that carries the bile fromthe liver, whereas in the metabolic type of cholestasis there is a problem inthe formation of bile in the liver. The former can occur due to gallstone ormalignancy, while the latter can be genetic or may occur due to side effects ofother drugs. Symptoms of cholestasis include itchiness, jaundice, pale stool,and dark urine.

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One of the major cholestasistypes is obstetric cholestatis. According to the Royal College of Obstetriciansand Gynecologists, obstetric cholestasis affects 0.7% of pregnancies in themultiethnic populations in addition to 1.2–1.5% of pregnant women of Indian orPakistani origin, in England. The prevalence of obstetric cholestasis is shapedby genetic as well as environmental factors. The statistics varies amongstpopulations worldwide. For instance, 2.4% of all pregnancies are affected inChile. There is growing prevalence of this disease in the world, which in turnwill propel the growth of the overall cholestasis treatment market.

Growing prevalence of obstetriccholestasis to drive growth of the overall cholestasis treatment market

According to a report publishedin National Center for Biotechnology Information, Intrahepatic cholestasis ofpregnancy (ICP) or obstetric cholestasis is the major liver disease duringpregnancy. Obstetric cholestasis is characteristically a reversible diseasetypically occurring in the second to third trimester. It is characterized bypruritus (severe itching of the skin) mainly in the palms and soles, prominentserum aminotransferases coupled with increased serum bile acid levels. As thenumber of pregnancies is likely to increase in the near future, so is theprevalence of cholestasis. Moreover, cholestasis can be hereditary in nature.There is a significant presence of chronic cholestasis in children owing to thenature of the disease. According to the National Center for BiotechnologyInformation, hereditary disorders of biliary atresia and intrahepaticcholestasis are the major causes of chronic liver disease amongst children. Inchildren, they also act as the key indicators for liver transplantation. Thegrowing population ensures increased occurrences of the disease amongstchildren. This in turn will drive growth of the overall cholestasis treatmentmarket during the forecast period.

Some of the major companies operating in the cholestasistreatment market are Eli Lily and Company, Palmetto Health, AsklepionPharmaceuticals, LLC, and Abbott Laboratories.

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Key Developments

Major players in the market arefocused on conducting clinical trials to assess their novel therapies for thetreatment of cholestasis. For instance, in July 2019, Genkyotex, abiopharmaceutical company, announced positive post-hoc analysis of phase 2trial that assessed the use of Setanaxib, a NOX-1/4 enzyme inhibitor, for thetreatment of cholestatic liver disease.

Research and development relatedto cholestasis is expected to boost the market growth. For instance, a studypresented by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York at DigestiveDisease Week 2019 in San Diego identified a link between intrahepaticcholestasis of pregnancy and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

However, failure of therapies inthe treatment of cholestasis is expected to hinder the market growth. Forinstance, in August 2019, a study by King’s College London published in TheLancet found that treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid does not reduce adverseperinatal outcomes in women suffering from intrahepatic cholestasis ofpregnancy.

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