
The global bloodcoagulation tubes market is projected to grow at a substantial rate overthe forecast period. Increase in health awareness among the global populationhas led to increase in blood diagnostic tests, especially coagulation tests.Increasing prevalence of low platelet count or thrombocytopenia, increasedprevalence of liver diseases, as well as growth in number of surgeries are factorthat argue well for growth of the market.
Blood coagulation or clotting isthe mechanism by which blood changes its form from liquid to a highlyviscousgel-like form known as clot. The process is called hemostasis, whichprevents blood loss from damaged blood vessels. The process of coagulationconsists of activation, bonding, and accumulation of platelets accompanied bydeposition and development of fibrin. Thrombosis and hemorrhage are some of themajor coagulation disorders.
Coagulation tests primarilymeasure the body plasma’s ability to clot as well as time taken for the same.Coagulation testing helps doctors assess risk of extreme bleeding or developingthrombosis inside blood vessels. Coagulation tests are conducted in a similarmanner as most blood tests. Side effects are minimal in these tests.Coagulation disorders can cause hazardous amounts of blood loss or excessiveclotting. If the doctor suspects a coagulation disorder, more coagulation testsmay be carried out to confirm the same. These tests are useful for measuringseveral proteins and their functions. Conditions that can cause clottingdisorders include liver disease, thrombophilia (excessive clotting), andhemophilia (inability to clot normally). Moreover, coagulation tests arebeneficial for people who take medicines that affects their blood coagulationability. Coagulation tests are also carried out before certain surgeriesdepending on the history and condition of the patient.
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Blood coagulation tubes primarilycontain a solution of tri-sodium citrate. The citrate concentrations areavailable in two varieties namely0.129 mol/l (3.8%) and0.109 mol/l (3.2%). Themixing ratio is usually one portion citrate to nine portions blood. These tubesalso contain adenosine, theophilline, and dipyridamole. One of the mostimportant aspects to be kept in mind is that these tubes must be completelyfilled, as short draw tubes might not serve the purpose. The side effects of acoagulation test are usually negligible. Patient might experience minorsoreness or bruising at the site. The other risks are lightheadedness, pain,and infection(s).
Increased prevalence ofthrombosis and liver diseases a major driver for growth of global bloodcoagulation tubes market
According to American LiverFoundation, in 2013, around 30 million people in the U.S.—a whopping 10% of thepopulation—suffered from some form of liver disease. Liver disease is alsoconsidered to be the ‘fifth big killer’ in England and Wales, in 2013, as perthe WHO-HFA database. Blood coagulation tubes are widely used for diagnosingthrombosis. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), asmany as 900,000 people in the U.S. suffer from thrombosis each year. Fibrinogenactivity is tested to evaluate bleeding disorders. They are used to diagnosediseases such as disseminated intravascular coagulation. As per Department ofMedicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, in South Asia, especially inIndia, the fibrinogen levels are usually high, due to high occurrences ofcoronary heart diseases and higher levels of wound-induced glycoproteinIIb/IIIa that acts as a receptor for fibrinogen. This in turn will result inincreased blood coagulation tests in this region. This creates a highlyconducive environment for growth of the blood coagulation tubes industry in theregion. A report by Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostatis, emphasizes upon theneed for controlled and randomized assessments with clinical result measurementto establish that thromboprophylaxis (prevention of thromboembolic disease orobstruction of blood vessels by blood clot) is essential in joint surgery inAsia.
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Since blood coagulation tests areusually suggested before and after a surgery, growth in number of surgeries isexpected to provide major growth traction to the blood coagulation tubesmarket. As per independent estimates, around 232 million surgeries areperformed worldwide each year. Europe and North America are highest revenuecontributors to the global blood clotting tubes market. This is mainlyattributed to robust healthcare infrastructure and easy access to advancedhealthcare facilities in these regions. However, Asia Pacific is expected toemerge as a high growth region in the global blood coagulation market, due toincrease in adoption of blood coagulation tests and high prevalence of heartattack and stroke, along with rising incidence of thrombosis and chronic liverdiseases in the region.
Some of the major competitorsoperating in the blood coagulation tubes industry are Medical Expo, AjoshaBioTeklik Pvt. Ltd., CML Biotech Pvt. Ltd., New MicroMed International Pvt.Ltd., Greiner BioOne, Gosselin, FL Medical, and Advacare Pharma.
Key Developments:
Product launches and continuousinnovations by key market players are expected to facilitate growth of theblood coagulation tubes market. For instance, in August 2019, medical devicecompany Q-Sera Pty Ltd. announced that their Q-Sera technology, a bloodclotting technology to be used in blood collection tubes, has been grantedpatent in the U.S. by the United States Patent & Trademark Office.
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