
Top secrets for a successful laser hair removal
Have you been shaving, waxing, or plucking your unwanted hair for a long time? If so, you already know how much time and money you are spending month after month in achieving flawless skin. It is due to the hassles of such treatment that people are now shifting towards laser hair removal in Kelowna or are at least planning to shift. Honestly, these people are taking smart decisions. Hair reduction is crucial as, without the process, you will not be able to have the best time outside.
If you are contemplating taking up laser hair removal in Kelowna and want to have the best results, here is what you should do. We will walk you through some effective tips that will help you achieve as good results as possible from your treatment of laser hair removal in Kelowna.
Do not be scared of several sittings
Before you go for a treatment, make sure that you are ready for several laser sittings. If you have more hair, you will need some time to get rid of the unwanted hair. You will need several sittings before you can say that you are completed with the hair removal treatment. You need more sittings because of the kind of body hair growth we have. Our hair grows in three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen hair cycles. Each interval duration is unique to the particular area being treated.
It has been proved that lasers are quite effective in destroying the hair follicle but only in the anagen phase. This is the stage when your hair is actively growing. So, all your hair needs to be in the anagen stage for a perfect treatment. And so, you will need more than one session to treat your hair. So, do not be scared to take up more sittings.
Laser treatments are quick and necessary
Well, your laser session can last from 5 to 25 minutes. You need to ensure that you attend all the appointments. When you go for laser hair removal in Kelowna, your specialist will give you the schedule of treatment over a period of maybe three or six months. You must make sure that you follow the schedule if you want the best results.
Shaving the area before the treatment
If you have already taken laser hair removal appointments in the past, you would know this. 24 hours before the laser sitting, your specialist will ask you to shave the area so that the hair follicle is easy to target. This way the hair follicle is targeted and destroyed easily.
There are other tips that your specialist will share with you once you start the laser sessions. Come to us to know more.
Russell Derek author of this website and writes articles for a long time. For further details about hair removal in Kelowna and laser hair removal in Kelowna please visit the website.