
For researchers in any area, exposing the results of a study in an article for publishing in a scientific journal is a regular practice. Those who want to build a scientific career have traditionally been judged and known based on the effect of their study. However, they are not acknowledged as researchers until their findings are published. As a result, the goal of scientific research is to produce novel publications.
Evidence synthesis
· Before starting writing
The literature search is the first step before writing and before beginning any original research manuscript writing activity. Prior evidence should be gathered, studied, and reflected upon as the beginning point and firm foundation for any publishing. If this stage is avoided, it is possible to make the error of completing a task that has already been finalized, resulting in a loss of time and resources. Similarly, before considering writing, a self-reflection and self-criticism exercise is essential to assess whether or not future publication is necessary. To do so, first ask yourself the following questions: Have I worked on any fresh or fascinating projects recently? Is the work still relevant in today's world? Is there any proof to back this up? If the answer to each question is yes, the article should be written.
At this stage, the author should decide whether to write an original part, report a clinical case or series of cases, write a letter to the editor, or anything else. Each one has a clear goal in mind, and each one's development takes a different path.
Preparation of the article
Large sections should be prepared while creating an original piece, according to general rules. The first makes the information more valuable and interesting by allowing indexing and focussing on the topic. The title, authors and affiliations, abstract, and keywords are all included in this section.The title, authors and affiliations, abstract, and keywords are all included in this section. The primary material, the original research paper writing itself, is covered in the second section, generally divided into the following areas: introduction, methods, results, and discussion (IMRAD). Acknowledgements, references, and supplemental information or annexes are included in the concluding section.
The home page must include: - The title: a good title resentment the reader's interest and draws them into the content. However, its primary purpose is to summarise the manuscript's substance correctly, and it should be as brief as feasible while explaining the study's design. The title should include all of the details that make the article's electronic retrieval sensitive and particular.
1. Abstract
The important concepts and outcomes should be laid forth to provide a sense of the essay's content and scope. It is crucial to explain the most important components of the work clearly and explicitly because it is the only part that many readers will read and the only part that will be used in bibliographic search engines. It's best to create the abstract after you've finished writing the content because you'll know which points to highlight at that moment.
2. Keywords
They should be carefully picked in order to boost the visibility of the content and make it easier to find using automated search algorithms. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terminology from the National Library of Medicine should be used.
3. Introduction
The introduction should set the tone for the rest of the paper by exposing the nature and significance of the problem that sparked the research. It is divided into three portions, each of which responds to the following questions: What exactly is the problem? What is the significance of the situation, and what questions remain unanswered? What is the answer to the question that your work addresses? The hypothesis, as well as the work's aims, should be explained in this section. The introduction should be straightforward and succinct, with just the absolute minimum of references.
4. Methods
This section explains how the study was carried out and should be comprehensive enough for another author to replicate it in whole or in part. It is written in the past and should only include information known at the research's design, but the Results section should include all information gathered from the study.
5. Results
You should absolutely and entirely include the study's findings. Comments on the significance of the results should be saved for the Discussion section.
6. Discussion
This section should emphasise the work's value and relevance. Don't say anything that hasn't already been said in the Introduction and Results sections. It's always a good idea to start by quickly describing the study's main findings, then brainstorming plausible interpretations and comparing them to other relevant research findings.
7. References
The standards of the National Library of Medicine should be followed in general, but it's also important to check the guidelines for writers of each publication to ensure that the bibliography's structure and style are correct. The quotations appear in the text in the order in which they appear. Only include references that add value to your content, and aim to keep them under five years old. Quote actual articles rather than review ones wherever feasible, and make sure the quote matches the original research article part you wish to mention.
It takes patience and, most importantly, practice to write an essay. The principles and suggestions listed above can help to speed up the procedure and avoid inflated errors. Nonetheless, it is necessary to conduct a thorough study before the scientific original research article has a unique part. If the performed research is substandard or contains methodological problems, no matter how well written, an original paper will not be published in a high-impact factor journal.
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