
Sushi Grade
Ideal for sashimi, sushi maguro, sushi rolls, and poke, as well as grilling or searing rare to medium-rare. Stands up to a variety of marinades and spices!
New and the best seafood in San Diego and best seafood products provider
Fresh and the best seafood in San Diego are superior to meat or chicken. In any case, the new fish is faltering tragically. Our lord's inclination that the time and way the fish kicks the can follow has a ton to do with an eatery's quality experience, especially with new fish. Every vessel has cooling tanks that guarantee the fish are frozen.

We understand this beginning stage will put you on the credible system for beginning to ask and remain mindful of adjoining fish amassed monetarily by neighborhood fishers. Dave Rudy's retail business is performing by selling straightforwardly to buyers to make up a critical piece of his methodologies. With the pandemic, he guarantees San Diegans comprehend that his fish market is there for them. In Baja, California, most fishing is done difficultly, fixed with little pirogue boats to save the climate and our standard assets.
We handle a get-together of fish, including shellfish, salmon, shrimp, fish eggs, crab, sushi, and salsas. We started as a shipper for sea sprites in San Diego, selling them locally and sending them out to Asia. Examining the 1970s, the owner, Dave Rudie, went during his time diving into abominable sea existences near the shore of Catalina Island. Dave Rudie's love is for the fresh sea Urchin on the fish market-unequivocal level.
The business at Catalina Seaward Items has expanded, and general interest has been made. Like this, we added all the new frozen on-and-on fish blends. In mass, and at its San Diego-based retail shows is monetarily raised at a detectable level.