
Project Report Bank
Project Report Bank
A project report for a bank loan is a mandatory document when applying for an SME loan. The project report bank is a document that explains the proposed project in detail. Make sure that the project documents contain the details of what the type of business unit would be, where to start, owner information, and proposed cost..etc.
As an entrepreneur, you might feel it difficult to create a project report with all details of finance explained perfectly. About 86% of entrepreneurs find it difficult to create a report for their firm.
Now, it's possible to write your project report in less than 10 minutes
Make the best use of online software available at ( and follow the steps as mentioned in the tutorial.
You can find it’s so easier to create by yourself. In addition, creating a project report by yourself will make you familiar with a lot of input in the area of marketing and hereby make you equipped in planning the resources in a planning the resources in better way.
Below listed are the things that need to be taken care of while writing a project report for yourself:
The perfect project report format is as follows:
- Introductory Page
- Scope of the project
- Details about the Promoters
- Product /services
- Location details
- Plant & machinery details
- Raw materials (if any)
- Market potential and marketing strategy
- Employee details
- Project cost
- Application of fund
- Means of Financing
- Balance Sheet
- Profit and Loss Statements
- Cash Flow Statement
- General Ratios
- Break-Even Point Evaluations
- Conclusions