Your Complete Guide to Study in Australia
Your Complete Guide to Study in Australia
Australia has long been a popular destination for Indian students. The country welcomes learners with quality education, career opportunities, and migration options.

However, securing your seat at your preferred university and getting the paperwork in order can seem tricky. Here’s our guide to everything you should know about studying in Australia.

Why Study in Australia?

Australia, with its breathtaking landscapes, world-renowned education system, and welcoming environment, has become a sought-after destination for international students. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider studying in Australia.

Quality Education

Australian universities consistently rank among the top in the world, offering high-quality education and globally recognised degrees. 

Diverse Programs

From business to engineering and arts to science, Australia offers a range of programs at various levels. Students can pursue their undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies in almost any field.

Cultural Diversity

Australia is home to a rich blend of cultures, making it an inclusive and welcoming place for students from around the globe.

Post-Study Work Opportunities

Australia provides favorable post-study work options. The country allows international students to gain practical work experience and potentially settle down in the country.

High Quality of Life

Australia consistently ranks high in terms of quality of life, with excellent healthcare, a strong economy, and a safe and clean environment.

How to Apply for Student Visas in Australia

You must obtain a student visa before moving to Australia to complete your education. The process may seem daunting. However, you can follow these key steps to secure a student visa for Australia. 

Select a Course

Identify the program you wish to study. It’s crucial to ensure that your chosen course is registered under the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).


Complete the Application

After choosing your program, you must apply and gain admission to an Australian institution. Once you receive an offer, it’s time to accept it.

Get a Medical Examination

You may have to complete a health examination. It ensures you meet Australia’s health requirements. Check the specific health requirements applicable to your situation.

Submit Financial Paperwork

You’ll need to demonstrate that you have the financial capacity to cover your tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs associated with studying in Australia. 

Get Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

You must purchase OSHC, which provides health insurance coverage while you’re in Australia.

Apply for the Visa

You can apply for your student visa online through the Department of Home Affairs website. Submit all the required documents, pay the visa fee, and await the decision.

Evaluating the Living Cost in Australia

Understanding the cost of living in Australia is crucial as it plays a significant role in your decision to study abroad. Australia is known for its high quality of life, but it’s essential to be financially prepared. Here’s an overview of the cost of living in Australia:

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees vary depending on the university, course, and level of study. On average, you can expect to pay between AUD 20,000 to AUD 45,000 per year for undergraduate programs and AUD 22,000 to AUD 50,000 per year for postgraduate programs.


Accommodation costs can vary significantly depending on your location and preferences. On average, international students spend around AUD 150 to AUD 300 per week on rent. Options include on-campus housing, shared apartments, and homestays.

Food and Groceries

Grocery expenses may range from AUD 80 to AUD 150 per week. Dining out can cost around AUD 20 to AUD 40 per meal.



Public transport in Australia is efficient, and you can expect to spend around AUD 30 to AUD 60 per week on transportation. However, the actual amount will depend on your location.

Health Insurance

Your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) costs will vary depending on the provider and the duration of your course. Typically, it ranges from AUD 437 to AUD 2,500 per year.

Miscellaneous Expenses

You may also need to budget for expenses related to textbooks, stationery, mobile phone plans, and entertainment. On average, this may amount to around AUD 50 to AUD 100 per week.

Create a realistic budget and ensure you have sufficient funds to cover your expenses throughout your stay in Australia.

How to Apply for Master’s Programs in Australia

Australia offers a range of master’s programs in various disciplines. Keep the following points in mind while applying for your preferred course. 

Admission Requirements

To gain admission to a Master’s program, you typically need to hold a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. Some programs may also have specific prerequisites or requirements. 

Application Process

Always apply directly to the Australian universities offering your chosen program. Be sure to check application deadlines and document requirements.

English Language Proficiency

Most universities in Australia require proof of English language proficiency through tests like IELTS or TOEFL.

Guidelines to Remember While Pursuing an MBBS in Australia

Aspiring medical professionals can pursue their MBBS in Australia. Here’s a quick guide to the medical education in the country. 

High Academic Standards

Medical programs in Australia maintain rigorous academic standards and provide comprehensive training in the field. 

Admission Requirements

Admission to an MBBS program typically requires excellent academic records and a strong performance in the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) or GAMSAT (Graduate Medical School Admissions Test).

English Proficiency


Proof of English language proficiency through IELTS or similar tests is usually required.

Proof of Funds

Evaluate the MBBS cost in Australia and ensure you arrange the required funds to secure your admission.

Evaluating Your PhD in Australia Options

Pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Australia can be a rewarding experience. It offers you the chance to contribute to cutting-edge research and innovation. Here are some key points to consider:

Research Opportunities

Australia is known for its research contributions across various fields. When pursuing a PhD, you can access state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive research community. 

Admission Requirements

To apply for a PhD program, you typically need a relevant Master’s degree or an equivalent qualification. Admission is competitive, and you’ll need to provide a detailed research proposal.


PhD programs typically take three to four years to complete, but this can vary based on your research area and progress.

Considering Financing - Education Loan Options in Australia

Studying abroad can be a significant financial commitment, and obtaining an education loan for abroad can help ease the burden. You can apply for an education loan in Australia to get up to 100% financing for your course. Education-focused lenders like Avanse also offer student-friendly interest rates and flexible repayment terms. Additionally, they provide a proof of funds certificate, helping you secure your admission quickly. Before applying for a loan, use the education loan calculator to understand the amount required and future EMIs to plan your finances accordingly.

Studying in Australia offers a wealth of opportunities for young Indian students looking to pursue higher education abroad. With world-class education, a diverse range of programs, and a high quality of life, Australia stands as an attractive destination for those with ambitious educational and career goals. Whether you’re interested in master’s programs, MBBS, PhD, or other academic avenues, Australia has much to offer.