
Today I am writing this post because here you can explore more about it
English is a Language. Which is spoken by globally.
Today I am writing this post because here you can explore more about it
For example
Why English Language?
How to improve it?
Is it provide opportunities at the workplace?
English grammar is fundamental of every language especially the part of speech
- Verb
2. Noun
3. Adjective
4. Adverb
5. Pronoun
6. Interjection
7. Conjunction
9. Preposition etc.
These are the basic concept, students should have a good command of them.
There have issues which faced by every people, who English second language
Mother tongue is different.
We have been practicing our mother tongue for childhood and while studying we adopt English as a communication /business language.
It is difficult for the student.
Why do we learn the English language? It helps to get a job in another country and another reason for better communication and build a relationship with people etc.
How to improve communication in English — Fresher
For this thing, you should start from grammar concept
watch English subtitle movies
Do practice 15 minutes daily.
Keep a daily and write down your all activity daily, every day.
It has a decent role to provide some opportunities at the office. too.
Bottom Line
I have almost covered an important part of English communication, but there is another thing to exist that is English techniques .
For example:- Allegory, Allusion, Assonance, Characterization, Foil
Genre, Onomatopoeia, stream of consciousness, Parody
SatirePathetic fallacy, Metaphor, Verse
Truncated sentence,Zeugma,Tone,Symbol
Sarcasm etc.
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