
Being a total essential in your finance management, credit cards function as the deferred payment basis, which simply means you get to enjoy the purchase and pay for it later on! However as exciting as it seems, managing your finances with credit cards needs your extra care and caution. Credit cards are the best way to easily access credits, isn't that amazing? Sure, it is!
Moreover, advanced features available on the internet these days help you to break your credit card bill payment into monthly installments as EMI and manage your budget with ease. This way, suppose your credit card bill payment comes more than your monthly income, with EMI you don't have to worry about going out of budget, you can simply divide your bill into small amounts of payment and pay them easily. Going for EMI options helps you a lot in making your financial life smooth and also, helps you buy things that are out of your budget.
To help you out in this convert your credit card bill payment into EMI using Payrup. So, let's get started!
The process to convert your credit card bill payment into EMI
To convert your credit card bill payment into EMI using Payrup, you get tons of options. Whenever you buy an item that is out of your budget, you can simply make the down payment and convert the rest of the amount into EMIs.
You might be thinking about how to convert credit card bill payments into EMI? Before getting involved in the process, it's important that you understand that in order to convert your credit card bill payment in EMIs is not entirely done by the credit cardholder. The main decision is made by the issuer's bank as they decide whether you are eligible for it or not. This is because banks consider the credit card bill as a loan. They lend you it when you need it and you have the flexibility to repay it in the form of EMI. The bank ensures that you'll repay the amount on its due time and won't take any undue advantage of it.
They go through your credit score, repayment history and ongoing loans. So, after making the purchase, contact the issuer bank to place the request to convert your bill payment into EMI.
Then, the bank will calculate the interest that applies on the EMI. Choose the tenure for which you want to pay your purchase. If the bank allows it, your credit card bill EMI payment is ready for you to pay conveniently.
Points to consider to convert your credit card bill payment into EMI
Interest Rate: The first thing that you need to consider before converting your credit card bill payment into EMI is the interest rate. The amount depends on multiple factors such as repayment tenure, down payment amount and others. When you choose a short tenure period, you pay less interest rate. So, choose the better option to pay your credit card emi interest rate!
Repayment Tenure: The tenure period for repayment varies broadly, which starts from 6 months up to 2 years. When you choose a short period, you pay less credit card emi interest rate.
Processing fee: Banks often charge processing fees for converting your credit card bill payment into EMI. This varies as per the bank.
Reducing balance method: To charge the interest rate, the bank uses the reducing balance method. This method helps in charging the remaining amount balance by the end of every month. In this method, when you pay the EMI amount for one month, then the interest rate is charged on the remaining amount only.
So, in short, the interest rates are reduced every month.
Cancellation: If you want to pay the whole remaining loan amount, you can easily repay it before the repayment tenure. That's what is called cancellation of foreclosure.
In conclusion, we can say that, to convert your credit card bill payment into EMI, you have to request the bank for approval and consider all the various factors required for it. And not all banks provide this facility and also, not all credit cardholders are eligible for that. So, if you want to find out and need it, request your bank for the proceedings.
Final Thoughts…
Popular bill payment facilities are available on Payrup!
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