
So you are surfing on the internet on a chilling Sunday night searching for something special. You have your eye on a piece of jewelry, but it only sells in bulk. You are hesitating about whether to buy it or not because of your deep uncertainty of the latest selling model: wholesale jewelry.
What is the difference between wholesale jewelry and retail jewelry? To answer this question, you first need to know what do them refer to.
1. What is Wholesale Jewelry?
Wholesale means a selling mode that sells goods in large quantities directly from manufacturers or distributors and resells them to other businesses.
2. What is Retail Jewelry?
Comparably, jewelry at retail is a business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.
3. Should I Choose Wholesale Jewelry or Retail Jewelry?
As an experienced online shopper and jewelry enthusiast, I strongly advise that you try wholesale jewelry, a trending selling model in recent years. You may not see the benefits of wholesale at first. To be honest, I was not into wholesale jewelry at first, but after getting used of the sell-by-kilos model of jewelrykg (a wonderful online shopping platform), I got a sense of how convenient and cheap it is. It makes unit cost much cheaper and offers diverse options of jewelry, accessories, bracelets……most of which are very fashionable. I have bought much and given some to my parents & friends as present.
You may also consider it objectively.
So the following situations are suitable for wholesale purchase:
• If you are a retailer to resale the goods
• If you want a lower unit price
• If you are a jewelry collector
• If you want to buy a quantity of jewelry to give others as a present
The following situations are suitable for retail purchase:
• If you are not sure about the quality of the jewelry and want to give it a try
• If you don't lack of money
• If you want only a small quantity of jewelry
4. Are There Any Trusted Wholesale Jewelry Website?
I found several new shopping platforms during these years. Some of these are still the online shopping websites that I now heavily rely on, and JewelryKG is one of them. (Use my promo code to get a lower price: 7UPQSVB3)
This is how its homepage looks like. It’s well-designed, user-friendly, and beautiful:

Here are some key points that set them apart:
• Offer low minimums per order: no MOQ
• Excellent customer service
• Fast turnarounds times
• Keep new products updated every day to provide you with more choices
• Large variety of styles, designs, shapes and colors
• Over 10 years in the industry
JewelryKG wholesales jewelry by kilos. It makes unit cost much cheaper and offers diverse options of jewelry, accessories, bracelets……most of which are very fashionable. JewelryKG is a trusted shopping platform that runs for 10 years. Your first journey to wholesale jewelry: GIVE IT A SHOT!