
A painting is a technique of applying colours on a surface. This application of colours on the surface is done to project a person in the painting, a beautiful landscape etc. Brushes are generally used in applying colours to the canvas. A palette is an object where the colours are placed and even mixed with another for generating a new form of colour which is later applied on the painting. There are artists that use sponges, knives etc for applying the colour on the surface. It can be said that painting is as ancient as human beings on the planet. Previously people from stone ages used to depict certain figures on the rocks as symbols and wrote scriptures on stones and rocks. Painting from photos can be done by providing your most loved pictures to the artist who would transform them into a beautiful piece of art.
There is a certain process of doing everything and therefore painting from photo also involves different steps which are elaborated further. Drawing is the process of painting where you first choose to outline the figure which you are going to paint. In the drawing part you can also do improvisation. After the outlining of work is done you can move on to sketch the figure by filling drawing the areas in shadow. Further you can add colour to the outlines figures and then add layers of the different colours to make a beautiful piece of art. The finishing part is the most important part which gives life to painting. Here the artist tends to match the fine details and add beauty in the art.
Painting is an art of expression and this art has been used since the inception of human beings. Ancient rock and cave paintings give us an overview on the aspects of what the humans in those times tried to express with their scriptures and paintings. Painting from photo can be known as the most advanced form of painting.