
Rehabilitation as a Treatment Option for Persistent Pain
When you experience pain on a regular basis and it’s keeping you from working, there are a number of choices with respect to treatment. Some involve the use of pharmaceutical products to mask the pain, but the ones that are most effective are those that treat the pain at its source. One such approach is known as a functional restoration program or FRP.
How Does a Functional Restoration Program Work?
The objective of a functional restoration program is to increase or restore physical functioning and conditioning, typically with the specific purpose of preparing you to return to work. It’s a multi-disciplinary approach, employing a wide array of professionals, including:
- Medical doctors
- Rehabilitation specialists
- Physical therapists
- Nutritional counselors
- Psychologists who specialize in pain management
- Personal trainers or exercise consultants
- Occupational therapists
A functional restoration program is typically not intended to be a long-term form of treatment. Instead, the goal of a functional restoration program is to teach the patient how to do the things he or she needs to do to manage or alleviate pain.
Among the specific life tasks that are commonly a part of a functional restoration program regimen are:
- Cardiovascular training
- Exercises or conditioning to allow you to perform specific work-related functions, such as standing or sitting for long periods of time, bending or lifting heavy objects
- Core strength improvement
- Job search skills, such as interviewing or preparation of a resume
- Attention to stress, anxiety or depression
- Assistance with living arrangements
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
Today’s the day to do something about your pain! Call Advantage Healthcare Systems toll-free at 1-866-586-1755 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas and San Antonio.