
How do we determine the value of something?
Everything we see or observe around us has some value,and this value is determined by some specific but ulterior rules on which their value is determined. Let's take the example of gold, it is considered one of the most valuable metals in the world. We all know that but have you ever thought why? Why is it considered the most precious thing? The answer to this question is exactly what we just discussed. The idea, principle, and set of beliefs behind this are:
1. The availability of Gold is very scarce. There is avery limited supply of gold available.
2. The acceptability of Gold is global and versatile.This meaning Gold is considered equally precious and acceptable around the globe.
The same is the concept with cryptocurrencies. they just took the basic concept of Value and implemented it with utmost accuracy and conceptualisation.
Let take the example of BTC, its supply is limited, its value is the same around the globe. And it is appreciated, accepted, desired from all over the world equally.
This was the idea behind the revolution of cryptocurrencies. Rscoin is following the same model, the supply of Rscoin RSC is limited just like BTC and Ethereum.
Let's progress further towards the details of this successful revolution.
How are people inclined towards cryptocurrencies?
Just like the custom of the world, every new invention is underappreciated, people fear that because of its unpredictability and scarcity of prior knowledge and ultimately lack of prior knowledge results inthe failure of future prediction. So, after a decade of uncertainty, and after learning about those individuals who took the leap of faith and invested in the initial stage of cryptocurrencies are now millionaires.
And these success stories ultimately inspired the bulk and now a huge number of people are learning about cryptocurrencies, how it works? how to trade? what is the best currency? how the market behaves? what is the best time to buy? how long should you hold the currency? what are the different types of blockchains? These questions are raising in the minds of people and they are satisfying these questions by learning about them.
There are a big number of exchanges that are present which not only provide their services and facilitating the transactions but also, they are educating the world about the inevitability of cryptocurrencies. Rscoin is the currency of the future. Those who have bought in the early days will prosper from the rewards shortly.