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joined at 3 years ago

    Get Hired: Why Show Soft skills Are More Important Than...

    Looking for a job? Here's the one trait that employers value most: your abi...

    • eldixon

    8 Steps to Master Remote Team Communication

    Soft skills such as communication and leadership are more important than ev...

    • eldixon

    How to Stay Productive While Working Remotely

    COVID-19 has made a growing trend - remote work - a necessity. Working from...

    • eldixon

    The Science of Staying Motivated

    Staying focused can be tough, especially while working remotely during COVI...

    • eldixon

    Skills that separate successful careers: standing out f...

    Leadership skills matter for any role. And after a certain point, they're a...

    • eldixon

    3 Goal Setting Theories to Stick Your New Year's R...

    Setting your New Year's resolutions? These three goal-setting theories from...

    • eldixon

    Optimizing remote work for your team: for employee ment...

    Done correctly, working from home can be a powerful tool in promoting quali...

    • eldixon

    Staying Sober During the Holidays: 8 Tips to Avoid Addi...

    The holiday season is particularly difficult for recovering addicts or alco...

    • eldixon

    Grinch or Giver? The Psychology of Greed, Gratitude, an...

    Are some people more susceptible to become greedy than others? Learn how yo...

    • eldixon

    11 Strategies to Manage Stress & Anxiety During Qua...

    Feeling lonely, overwhelmed, frustrated or scared? Learn how to manage your...

    • eldixon

    Maintaining Relationships During Covid-19

    Navigating dating during COVID-19? Apps for long-distance relationships can...

    • eldixon

    4 Habits of Healthy Couples and 4 Relationship Red Flag...

    Date him or dump him? Look out for these 4 relationship red flags. The LIFE...

    • eldixon

    Handling Relationship Turbulence

    Hitting a rough patch in your relationship? All relationships go through up...

    • eldixon

    The One Thing You Need For Both Love And Leadership

    Not sure he's the one? Learn from top relationship counseling app LIFE...

    • eldixon

    Loathe Your Loved One’s Politics?

    Fighting with loved ones over politics? Learn how to keep your relationship...

    • eldixon