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joined at 4 years ago

    COVID Dating: 7 Science-Backed Ways to Optimize Your Da...

    COVID or not, online dating can be hard. You're constantly wondering which...

    • eldixon

    Which Mental Health Resource is Best for You?

    Finding the right mental health resource is like trying new foods; sometime...

    • eldixon

    How Social Emotional Support Can Cure Stress

    Stress affects our relationships, but emotional support can also relieve st...

    • eldixon

    Pretty Privilege: Why Bias Is Real and What We Can Do A...

    Have pretty privilege? Constant social media comparisons can damage self es...

    • eldixon

    Rekindle the Relationship... Or Break Up?

    Break up or make up? Relationships that have lost their spark can be stress...

    • eldixon

    How Minimalism Can Improve your Mental Health

    Marie Kondo minimalism can improve both your mental health and productivity...

    • eldixon

    Fake News and Failed Investments: Dangers of Cognitive...

    Confirmation bias, the sunk cost fallacy, and loss aversion can lead us to...

    • eldixon

    Impact of Media on Mental Health: Social Stress of Beau...

    Women affected by social media and low self-esteem tend to devalue possessi...

    • eldixon

    The Science of Mindfulness Meditation

    Can meditation even keep you healthy during COVID-19? Learn the science beh...

    • eldixon

    The Power of a Growth Mindset

    A growth vs. fixed mindset is the difference between staying motivated and...

    • eldixon

    What Self Awareness Really Is (and How to Develop It)

    Self awareness may be the new key to both workplace success and mental heal...

    • eldixon

    Beyond Tired: Burnout Predictors, Prevention, and Progr...

    Burnout costs companies $4.36B in turnover and poor performance each year....

    • eldixon

    Top Skills Needed in 2021

    Are these skills on your resume? 89% of weaknesses were interpersonal and s...

    • eldixon

    Focus: 3 Essential Time Management Techniques

    Overwhelmed? Prioritize tasks and manage time with these three time managem...

    • eldixon

    What do employees really want? 4 workplace motivation m...

    How can leaders motivate employees to peak performance? Here's a ultimate g...

    • eldixon