Pittsburgh Fitness Classes | Industrial Athletics
Pittsburgh Fitness Classes | Industrial Athletics
Taking advantage of the programmed extra-work and homework assignments shows that you get out of it what you put in. it’s an unparalleled opportunity to unlock your potential with the help of some personalized coaching. The coaching corner keeps me accountable and focused on improvement. I have enjoyed my sessions because it gives me the opportunity to talk about my areas that I want to get better at and then I am given a plan that helps me get there.

Pittsburgh Fitness Classes | Industrial Athletics

Taking advantage of theprogrammed extra-work and homework assignments shows that you get out of itwhat you put in Cross Fit Pittsburgh. it’s an unparalleled opportunity to unlock your potential withthe help of some personalized coaching. The coaching corner keeps meaccountable and focused on improvement.  Ihave enjoyed my sessions because it gives me the opportunity to talk about myareas that I want to get better at and then I am given a plan that helps me getthere. Click Here