With over 280 therapies under evaluation, the stem cell therapy market is estimated to be worth USD 8.5 Billion by 2030
With over 280 therapies under evaluation, the stem cell therapy market is estimated to be worth USD 8.5 Billion by 2030
With over 280 therapies under evaluation, the stem cell therapy market is estimated to be worth USD 8.5 Billion by 2030

With over 280 therapies under evaluation, the stem cell therapy market is estimated to be worth USD 8.5 Billion by 2030

With multiple approved products, the field ofstem cell therapies has gained substantial momentum over the last decade;several innovator companies are currently progressing their proprietary therapycandidates with cautious optimism. In fact, recent studies suggestthat mesenchymal stem cells have the potential to end the Coronavirus(COVID-19) pandemic.


RootsAnalysisis pleased to announce the publication of its recent study, titled, “Global Stem Cells Market:Focus on Clinical Therapies, 2020–2030 (Based on Source (Allogeneic,Autologous); Origin (Adult, Embryonic); Type (Hematopoietic, Mesenchymal,Progenitor); Lineage (Amniotic Fluid, Adipose Tissue, Bone Marrow,Cardiosphere, Chondrocytes, Corneal Tissue, Cord Blood, Dental Pulp, NeuralTissue Placenta, Peripheral Blood, Stromal Cells); and Potency (Multipotent,Pluripotent))”.


The  report features an extensive study of the current marketlandscape, offering an informed opinion on the likely adoption of thesetherapeutics over the next decade. The report features an in-depth analysis,highlighting the capabilities of various stakeholders engaged in this domain.In addition to other elements, the study includes:

§  Adetailed assessment of the current market landscape of companies engaged in thedevelopment of stem cell therapies for treatment of wide range of clinicalconditions

§  Elaborateprofiles of key industry players engaged in the development of stem celltherapies (shortlisted on the basis of the product portfolio).

§  Aninsightful competitiveness analysis featuring a four-dimensional bubble chart,highlighting the key players in this domain.

§  Anassessment of over 20 commonly targeted therapeutic areas and details of stemcell-based therapies being developed to treat the same conditions.

§  Adetailed proprietary 2×2 representation that was developed to assess thecurrent market scenario (in terms of existing competition and growthopportunities) across emerging and established market segments.

§  Anin-depth analysis of more than 1,500 grants that have been awarded to researchinstitutes engaged in stem cell therapy-related projects, in the period between2015 and 2019 (till November)

§  Adetailed clinical trial analysis on more than 540 completed, ongoing andplanned studies of various stem cell therapies, highlighting prevalent trendsacross various relevant parameters.

§  Areview of the key aspects related to the manufacturing of stem cell therapies,including [A] a detailed discussion on processes and protocols, highlightingthe need to outsource various aspects of stem cell therapy development andmanufacturing operations, [B] an assessment of the current market landscape ofcontract manufacturers, providing information on stem cell-focused serviceproviders, and [C] an insightful Harvey ball analysis to identify the keyperformance indicators / key considerations that industry stakeholders arelikely to take into consideration while selecting a suitable CMO / CRO partner.

§  Adetailed market gap analysis in order to develop a realistic understanding ofthe demand and supply dynamics within this field, comparing both clinical andcommercial capabilities of therapy developers and the availability andcapabilities of contract manufacturers, across different geographies.

§  Anelaborate discussion on the various strategies that can be adopted by stem celltherapy developers across different stages of product development andcommercialization.

§  A detailed market forecast,featuring analysis of the current and projected future opportunity across keymarket segments (listed below)

§  Sourceof Stem Cell

§ Allogeneic

§ Autologous


§  Originof Stem Cell

§ Adult

§ Embryonic


§  Typeof Stem Cell

§  Hematopoietic

§  Mesenchymal

§  Progenitor

§  Others


§  Lineageof Stem Cell

§ Adipose Tissue

§ Bone Marrow

§ Cord Blood

§ Others


§ Route ofAdministration

§  Intraarticular

§  Intracoronary

§  Intramuscular

§  Intramyocardial

§  Intrathecal

§  Intravenous

§  SurgicalImplantations

§  Others


§ Therapeutic Area

§ Autoimmune /Inflammatory Disorder

§ CardiovascularDisorders

§ Metabolic Disorder

§ MusculoskeletalDisorders

§ Oncological Disorders

§ NeurologicalDisorders

§ Ophthalmic Disorders

§ Others


§ End Users

§ Ambulatory SurgeryCenters

§ Hospitals

§ Specialty Clinics


§  KeyGeographical Regions

§  NorthAmerica

§  Europe

§  Asia-Pacificand Rest of the World


§ Transcripts of interviews held with the following seniorlevel representatives of stakeholder companies

§ William L Rust(Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Seraxis)

§ Xuejun Huang Parsons(Chief Executive Officer, Xcelthera)

§ Michel Revel(Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, Kadimastem)and Galit Mazooz-Perlmuter (Director, Business Development, Kadimastem)

§ Kikuo Yasui (Directorand Chief Operating Officer, Heartseed)

§ Gustav Steinhoff(Director and Chairman, Department of Cardiac Surgery, University ofRostock)

§ Gilles Devillers(President, Bio Elpida)

§ Fiona Bellot(Business Development Manager, Roslin CellTherapies

§ David Mckenna(Professor and American Red Cross Chair in Transfusion Medicine, Universityof Minnesota)

§ Brian Dattilo(Manager of Business Development, Waisman Biomanufacturing)

§ Mathilde Girard(Department Leader, Cell Therapy Innovation and Development, YposKesi)


Keycompanies covered in the report

§  Anterogen

§  Athersys

§  CHABiotech

§  Cytopeutics

§  HopeBiosciences

§  JapanRegenerative Medicine

§  LineageCell Therapeutics

§  OrchardTherapeutics

§  OsirisTherapeutics

§  PluristemTherapeutics

§  PromitheraBiosciences

§  Regenexx

§  StempeuticsResearch

§  SCMLife Sciences



Formore information please click on the following -


Other Recent Offerings

1.    Stem Cell TherapyContract Manufacturing Market, 2019-2030

2.    Antibody DrugConjugates Market (5th Edition), 2019-2030

3.    Cell and AdvancedTherapies Supply Chain Management Market, 2019-2030:Focus on Technological Solutions

4.    Global T-Cell (CAR-T,TCR, and TIL) Therapy Market (4th Edition), 2019 – 2030


About Roots Analysis

Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growingmarket research companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in thebio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights aredriven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years ofsignificant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growingbusiness needs, get in touch at


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Roots Analysis Private Limited

Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415