
Global GlycobiologyMarket, By Product Type (Instruments, Enzymes (Galactosidases (Fucosidases,Chitinases, Acetylgalactosaminidase, Heparinase, PNGase F, and Others), GlcNAcTransferases (Acetylglucosaminyltransferase, Exostosin, and Others),Fucosyltransferases, GalNAc Transferases, Galactosyl Transferases,Glucuronosyltransferases, Glucosyltransferases, Pentosyltransferases,Carbohydrate Kinases, Neuraminidases, Sialyltransferases, and Others),Consumables, Reagents & Kits), By Application (Drug Discovery andDevelopment, Diagnostic Applications (Oncology, Immunology, and Others), IndustrialApplication, Therapeutic Application (Oncology, Immunology, and Others), andOthers), By End User, (Pharmaceutical Companies, Research Laboratories,Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers, Contract Research Organizations, BiotechnologyCompanies, Academic Institutes, and Others), By Region (North America, LatinAmerica, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa), is estimated to bevalued at US$ $ 1,165.3 Mn in 2020 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 12.8%during the forecast period (2020-2027), as highlighted in a new report publishedby Coherent Market Insights.
The increasing number of productlaunches such as mass spectrometry devices, high profile liquid chromatography(HPLC) devices, and others is expected to drive the global glycobiology marketgrowth. For instance, in May 2019, Shimadzu Corporation announced the launch ofNovel Shimadzu MALDImini-1 Digital Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer, which providesfast, high-sensitive measurements through an ultra-compact design for clinicaland laboratory research.
Global Glycobiology Market–Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
Supply chain and manufacturingactivities in India, Italy, Spain, the U.K., and the U.S. have been disrupteddue to lockdowns implemented by various governments in the past few months,while countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and others are facingproblems with regards to transportation of drug products. The coronavirus orCOVID-19 outbreak that started from Wuhan, China, has spread across continents,affecting various industries globally. Supply of key materials has beenseverely disrupted due to forced quarantine and lack of labor and rawmaterials.
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As the supply link betweenregional warehouses is not smooth, the transportation of raw materials betweenvarious regions cannot be carried out successfully. This shortage of rawmaterials and components have affected the supply chain of the globalglycobiology market. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the global economy andin turn, the glycobiology market.
Browse 43 Market Data Tables and14 Figures spread through 195 Pages and in-depth TOC on “Global GlycobiologyMarket”- Forecast to 2027, GlobalGlycobiology Market, By Product Type (Instruments, Enzymes (Galactosidases(Fucosidases, Chitinases, Acetylgalactosaminidase, Heparinase, PNGase F, andOthers), GlcNAc Transferases (Acetylglucosaminyltransferase, Exostosin, andOthers), Fucosyltransferases, GalNAc Transferases, Galactosyl Transferases,Glucuronosyltransferases, Glucosyltransferases, Pentosyltransferases,Carbohydrate Kinases, Neuraminidases, Sialyltransferases, and Others),Consumables, Reagents & Kits), By Application (Drug Discovery andDevelopment, Diagnostic Applications (Oncology, Immunology, and Others),Industrial Application, Therapeutic Application (Oncology, Immunology, andOthers), and Others), By End User, (Pharmaceutical Companies, ResearchLaboratories, Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers, Contract Research Organizations,Biotechnology Companies, Academic Institutes, and Others), By Region (NorthAmerica, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa).
Moreover, rise in research anddevelopment related to oligosaccharides is also expected to aid in growth ofthe global glycobiology market over the forecast period. For instance, inFebruary 2020, researchers from University of Kentucky, U.S. reported the useof a high-throughput assay to determine the effect of variouspost-translational modifications of the Chondroitin sulfateproteoglycansaggrecan upon neurite outgrowth from NS-1 cells.
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Key Takeaways of the GlobalGlycobiology Market:
The global glycobiology market isexpected to exhibit a CAGR of 12.8% during the forecast period owing to theincreasing focus on manufacturing anti-cancer drugs, this is expected to boostgrowth of the market. For instance, in January 2020, researchers fromUniversidade do Porto, Portugal, assessed the role of O-glycosylation usingglycoengineered gastric cancer models in the detection of CD44v9 – a majorprotein splice variant isoforms expressed in human gastrointestinal cancercells—using monoclonal antibodies.
Among Applications, Drugdiscovery and development segment is accounted for the largest market share inglobal glycobiology market in 2020. Moreover, investments on drug discovery anddevelopment by the key players operating in the market is expected to drive thesegment growth over the forecast period. For instance, Merck invested aroundUS$ 9,872 million and US$ 9,752 million on research and development in 2019 and2018, respectively.
Among the regions, Asia Pacificis estimated to exhibit higher CAGR in the global glycobiology market over theforecast period. For instance, in June 2019, a group of Japanese scientistsfrom different universities and research institutes discovered a novel SGLenzyme ((TfSGLr) from a soil fungus, Talaromyces funiculosus. This enzyme TfSGLprotein (TfSGLr) was found to break down both linear and cyclic β-1,2-glucansfor carbohydrate metabolism.
Major players operating in theglobal glycobiology market are Merck & Co., Inc., Bio-Techne Corporation,Bruker Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Shimadzu Corporation,Plexera LLC, New England Biolabs, and Agilent Technologies, Inc.
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