
What Are the Goals of a Full SEO Audit?
An SEO audit is the most important type of service that any company needs when they want to use this type of online marketing strategy. There are 3 goals that this method must accomplish. So, you need to make sure that the website SEO audit provided by an agency can accomplish them. Otherwise, you should look for another agency.
• Find problems. The first step of an audit is to check all the components of your website. And find all the SEO problems that will affect the ranks of your website. To do that, it must check the technical, on-site, and off-site parts. For the technical part, the functionality of the links, loading speed of the pages, and mobile compatibility are the essential parts that must be verified. For the on-site part, the agency must check the quality of the content, all the forms, and lastly, the ads on your website. For the off-site part, the quality of the backlinks and the content used to produce them. Also, the authority of the websites used to create backlinks matters. You need to ensure that the audit that you will use will check all these components.
• Acquire relevant information. The second goal of a website SEO audit is to acquire relevant information about your company and about your competitors. Keep in mind that every company is unique. So, an agency must be able to research your website and company and find out all the factors that not only make your company unique but also helps you to attract and convert more customers. Your competitors must also be researched, and the agency must find the keywords that will produce the best results for your company. For that, they will check which keywords are used by your competitors. And they will find the ones that provide your company with the highest chances to reach the top ranks and get the most visitors from search engines.
• Provide solutions. The last goal of a website SEO audit is to provide you with all the solutions that will ensure the future success of your company. 2 types of solutions must be included. The first type is for the problems in the first part of the audit. It will help you solve all the errors and problems that negatively affect the ranks of your website. The second type of solution is a personalized SEO plan for the future. Nowadays, standard strategies are not able to produce top quality results anymore. So, you will need a custom strategy tailored for your website’s needs.
Do You Need a Full SEO Audit or One of the Other 3 Types?
There are several types of audits that you will find on the market. The first type and the best alternative is a full SEO audit that will cover everything mentioned above. But besides that, 3 other types of audits will only cover one part of the SEO. Keep in mind that SEO is a very complex field. So, most experts separated into 3 parts to make it easier for them to produce top results. And if your website does not need a full audit, then you should search for one based on your company's needs.
• Technical audit. This type of website SEO audit will only cover the technical part of your website. It will check the components mentioned above and provide you with all the possible solutions that will help you solve them. Keep in mind that the experience of your website’s visitors is critical to the success of your business. And if there are many technical problems, then your visitors will not be satisfied, and they may choose to search for another alternative.
• On-site audit. The on-site SEO audit will ensure that all the content-related parts on your website are optimized and produce the best results possible. So, all the components will be checked. And the agency will offer you the choice to completely erase the low-quality parts or let it replace them with high-quality content. The position of the ads and forms on your website will also be changed. Doing that will increase the conversion from visitors into leads or customers.
• Off-site audit. An agency can use some online tools to find all the backlinks of your website and their overall quality. But they will need to check the content used for producing the links as well as the websites where they are placed. And the ones that may drag your website down should be eliminated. Also, the agency can offer you customized services for link building. And it will maximize the results that you will get from this part of SEO.
How to Check the Quality of a Website SEO Audit Before Using It!
Before using a website SEO audit , you need to check its quality. Not every option that you will find on the market is the best alternative. But how can you do that? Well, you need to follow some easy steps:
• Check the SEO audit page of the agency. The first step is to check the page of the agency. There you will find everything that will be included in the audit. If you are satisfied with it, then you can go to the second step. Otherwise, you should search for another SEO agency. Keep in mind that the audit is the most important part of any SEO campaign, and take this task seriously.
• Look online for relevant information. The second step is to use the internet and try to find relevant information about the audit provided by the SEO agency. For example, you can search or find review articles that will help you better understand the agency that you may collaborate with.
• Contact the clients of the agency. Lastly, you can contact the clients of the agency and find out their opinion. From them, you can check if the audit contains everything mentioned on the agency’s site. And you can also find out how satisfied you may be with the results produced by a possible collaboration with the agency.