
You might be thinking, ‘Who doesn’t know what SEO means?’ As much as it is hard to believe, the truth is that there is still a lot of business that doesn’t understand SEO. Forget understanding, I have met business owners who have never heard the term SEO.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In simple terms, SEO is the process of optimizing your website such that it garners attention from search engines and thereby provides you with valuable leads that are converted into business.
Making it simpler, have you recently used google or bing? Just think about your last search for a moment. What did you search for? Did you find the right answers to your questions? Remember, how there is an ad section first, followed by videos and images, then followed by other websites in the results page. How does Google decide which website should they display for a given search query? And why do some website are in the first page and others are in the subsequent pages? The answer to all these questions lies in the hands of SEO.
Now, think about your business/product/service. Try searching for your products/services without using your brand name. This search query is called a keyword. Do you find your company in the first or even in the first few pages of Google search results? If not, it is time you hire SEO services in St. Louis that can help your business reach the top.
How Do Search Engines Work? - Search Engines like Google and Bing utilizes bots that crawl through all the websites listed by companies and index them on their Search Engine Results Page. There are different factors that search engines consider to index and rank your website.
The main factors are Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness, simply known as ‘E-A-T’. EAT is measured based on different metrics and it is important to work along with SEO experts who understand the metrics and make changes to your website based on that. This way as you provide more value with different types of content for your niche, your website rank starts improving and eventually rises to the top.
Remember - SEO is not setting a monthly budget and running ads on Google to rank on top. It is a slow process that requires time to be invested day in and day out. The result of which would be organically ranking at the top of SERP and staying there and reaping the benefits of it in the long run.