
Although most of the time loose motions are self-limiting (they last for a certain amount of time), sometimes they may lead to complications as well if not diagnosed on time. So, if it persists for long, accompanied with vomiting, fever or constant stomach ache, then you must see your GP.
Diarrhoea or loose motion happens when there is more water content in the stool as a result of not being beneficially absorbed by the large intestine. It can result in electrolyte imbalance and dehydration (due to loss of water).
Diarrhoea is caused by rotavirus, E.Coli bacteria (from contaminated food), or parasites (which is spread in contaminated water). It can also occur either due to food poisoning, allergies, infections, long term medical conditions like IBS or even due to stress.
Ordinarily, loose motions are not serious and can be remedied at home. Here are a few home remedies for loose motions that can help you to get rid of loose motion without seeing a GP!
Probiotic foods: Probiotics consists of strains of good bacteria that supports the natural bacterial flora of the intestine and helps in digestion and absorption). It includes yogurt, buttermilk, lime leaves etc.
Yogurt: It is a rich source of probiotics that help combat the infective bacteria in your digestive tract responsible for infection. It is suggested to have yogurt the whole day if you are experiencing loose motions.
Buttermilk: It contains the live strains of lactobacillus bacteria that maintain a balance between harmful and useful gut bacteria.
Potassium rich food
Bananas & potatoes
Bananas and potatoes are rich in potassium. They help to maintain electrolyte balance during loose motions. They also contain pectin which helps to absorb excess water in the intestine.
So you can have a ripe banana every 2 to 3 hours or you can have mashed potatoes and banana with rock salt.
Spinach is dense with potassium so you can have a moderate amount of it to maintain a healthy gut. But also be cautious, if taken in excessive amounts can lead to kidney stones as well. So if you are not sure about the amount of spinach, you can consult your GP or dietician.
Citrus Fruits-
Along with antioxidants, lemon has anti-inflammatory properties also, which helps in managing loose motions.
You can take it many different ways either by squeezing a good amount of its juice on fruit and vegetables or you can take it by squeezing a few lemon drops in your green tea.
Sharing a short recipe- Adding a pinch of lemon juice and a pinch of cardamom in hot black tea, can help in managing the loose motions symptoms.
Sweet lime- Sweet lime or mosambi juice helps combat the toxins in the digestive tract by flushing out the toxins from the gut, thus relieving in managing the associated symptoms.
Be mindful, while taking citrus juice. Because taking it in excess amounts for a long time can also cause heartburn. Please refrain from over-intake it!
Here’s an additional tip- Follow a BRAT diet. BRAT diet stands for Bananas, Rice, Apples and Toast. These are readily available key foods that help relax your gut by narrowing the watery stool produced.