Step-by-step instructions to build a food delivery app like UberEats
Step-by-step instructions to build a food delivery app like UberEats
UberEats app clone is one such solution that facilitates you to launch a food ordering and delivery app like UberEats right away. We offer an efficient app solution that is readily customizable and scalable, depending on your requirements.

UberEats Clone Script

Food craving happens at any time. What if customers crave food even in untime? At that moment, they go with the on-demand food delivery apps. Such apps will allow the customers to search for a nearby restaurant and order their favourite food with just a few taps. This article gives a brief outline of starting a food delivery business with an app like UberEats.

UberEats, a food delivery app that has a global audience 

Uber being the most popular service provider, they started Uber Fresh Service in the year of 2014. In 2015, it was renamed as UberEats. More than 2,20,000 restaurants have collaborated with UberEats. It is running successfully across 500 cities worldwide. 

Despite this, the onset of the spread of coronavirus has made UberEats a most successful app as the on-demand food delivery service apps are flourishing considerably.

Business and working models of UberEats

UberEats follows the aggregator business model. This provides a platform for customers to place their orders, restaurant owners to prepare food, and delivery executives to deliver the food to them. In simple terms, this app connects the customers, restaurants, and delivery executives.

They come with the following Unique Selling Points (USPs).

  • No minimum value order

  • Getting feedback from customers

  • Fastest food delivery

  • Best algorithm for order management, order allocation, and order dispatch

Apart from this, the Uber application has millions of customers. So, there is a high probability that Uber users will eventually become UberEats users.

Do you know how the UberEats app works? First, the customer installs and registers with the app. They browse for a local restaurant from the list of restaurants and select their favourite food. Upon the order confirmation, the respective restaurant prepares the food and packs it. Meanwhile, a delivery executive will be assigned to deliver the food in no time. After the food is delivered, the customer can rate the app/service if wished. 

How a food delivery app like UberEats gains profit?

UberEats net worth has increased significantly. Let us dig deep into the secret of their revenue models.

Fee from customers

The customers have to pay a delivery fee for every order they place. Also, they have been charged a certain amount of money if they cancel the order upon confirmation. This comes under the category of a cancellation fee. Apart from that, they collect a particular amount of money as a service fee. 

Fee from restaurant owners

Restaurants that have been registered with the app have to pay a commission fee whenever they get an order. UberEats are charging 15% to 40% on each order.

If any restaurant wants to promote its services, UberEats offers brand campaigns, social media marketing, and other popular marketing strategies. For that, they collect a marketing fee from the restaurant owners. 

Similar to this, you can consider any monetization streams by setting a percentage of money as a fee upon starting a food delivery business. 

Simple steps to develop the UberEats like app

Perform market research and know your target audience’s performance

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

As this saying goes, you have to prepare before diving into the sea of the food delivery industry. Irrespective of which business you want to start, you have to conduct market research. The trends change with time. Therefore, you can come up with a new idea to implement to develop a successful UberEats app clone. Like, you can consider cryptocurrency technology for payment, food order via a smartwatch, and any other new ways of delivery.

Upon analyzing the market trends, you will have a clear idea of the target audience’s preference. Do you want to target pizza lovers? Do you want to offer only vegetarian foods? Depending on your target audience, frame a business plan.

Choose a right business model

In existence, there are two different types of business models in the market. 

One model is Order-only that focuses on managing orders and collecting the respective order value. A good example of the Order-only model is JustEat.

The other model is Order & Delivery, in which it manages both order and delivery.  

Consider incorporating the essential features in the UberEats clone app

The UberEats clone app consists of the Admin panel, Customer app, Restaurant owner app, and Delivery person app. The must-have features in these modules are listed below.

Customer app features

  • Multi-payment options

  • Quick search

  • Scheduled delivery

  • Re-order

Restaurant owner app features

  • Manage profile

  • Support

  • Live tracking

Delivery person app features

  • App chat/call

  • Accept/reject requests

  • Registration & verification

Admin panel features

Resource management


Offers and discounts

Partner with a reliable mobile app development company

Choose the best clone app development company for UberEats like app development. Two different ways in which a food delivery app is developed. Among the two, prefer using the UberEats clone script as it is a ready-to-use solution.

Want to know how much it cost for developing the UberEats app clone? It is not a constant thing as it varies depending on the features and functionality of the food delivery app. Various factors determine the app development cost. Thus, approach a company and get a rough estimation. 


By now, you have insightful information about UberEats like app development. This is a good opportunity to start a food delivery business. Therefore, set foot into this flourishing industry with an app like UberEats.