Global Chemical Mechanical Planarization Market is estimated to surpass ~US$ 9 Bn by 2027
Global Chemical Mechanical Planarization Market is estimated to surpass ~US$ 9 Bn by 2027
The global chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) market was valued at ~US$ 4.5 Bn in 2018 and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of ~8% during the forecast period.

Key Highlights of Global Chemical Mechanical Planarization Market


·        Theglobal chemicalmechanical planarization (CMP) market was valued at ~US$4.5 Bn in 2018 andis anticipated to expand at a CAGR of ~8% during theforecast period.

·        Chemicalmechanical planarization is a standard manufacturing process used in thesemiconductor industry to fabricate integrated circuits and memory disks.Expansion in the semiconductor industry is estimated to propel the chemicalmechanical planarization market.

·        AsiaPacific accounts for a major share of the global chemical mechanicalplanarization market, led by the strong demand for semiconductors in theregion.


Key Drivers of Global ChemicalMechanical Planarization Market


·        Chemicalmechanical planarization is a process that removes topography from siliconoxide, metal, and polysilicon surfaces. It is a planarization step utilized indeep sub-micron IC manufacturing. Chemical mechanical planarization has beenwidely used in the semiconductor industry for oxide dielectric and metal layerplanarization. It has also been employed for the fabrication and assembly ofmicro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS).

·        Theglobal semiconductor market stood at US$ 481 Bn in 2018 andis estimated to expand at a CAGR of 4.6% duringthe forecast period, to reach US$ 575 Bn by 2022.

·        Thedemand for chemical mechanical planarization in the semiconductor industry isprimarily driven by mobile Internet devices (MIDs), personal computers (PCs),as well as a wide range of other electronic applications, includinghigh-performance computing and artificial intelligence.

·        Therehas been a significant shift in the demand for PCs and MIDs in IC devices inthe semiconductor industry. The demand for MIDs is largely consumer-based,while that for PCs is primarily enterprise-based. This shift has led tofluctuations in the semiconductor industry.

·        Interms of demand, the semiconductor industry was primarily driven by a robustmemory market in 2018, due to the growth inrequirement of storage in a wide range of end-use applications.

·        Thedemand for semiconductors is estimated to rise in the near future, based onincrease in the usage of IC devices in existing as well as future applications.

·        Risein the demand for chips related to the rapidly growing use of AI is likely tosignificantly contribute to the growth of the semiconductor industry. Thus,expansion in the semiconductor industry is estimated to propel the growth ofthe chemical mechanical planarization market.





Decrease in Sales of Premium-classVariants to Hamper Chemical Mechanical Planarization Market


·        End-useindustries are increasingly opting for lower cost options. This createsopportunities for smaller companies and new entrants.

·        Thus,low-priced slurry remains a major threat to companies that specialize inpremium-class variants. However, it is important to maintain the quality tooptimal standards, as even a slight change in slurry properties can lead toperformance loss and hamper yield.


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Asia Pacific Dominates Global Chemical Mechanical Planarization Market


·        AsiaPacific held ~64% share of the global chemicalmechanical planarization market in 2018.

·        Themarket in Asia Pacific is expanding significantly, owing to the rise in thedemand for electronics and semiconductors in developing economies and sub-regionssuch as China, India, and ASEAN. The market in India is projected to expand ata prominent CAGR during the forecast period, due to growth of the country’seconomy, rise in urban population, and advancements in the electronicsindustry.

·        Theoverall electronics and smart devices industry in North America ischaracterized by R&D undertakings, wherein, governments and privateequities are investing significantly. The U.S is at the forefront in the fieldof electronics and smart devices. This has enabled the country to holdsignificant share of the market in the region. Top selling electronics in theU.S are being promoted by OEMs through digital technologies and technologicalinnovation.


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Chemical Mechanical PlanarizationMarket - By Equipment and Consumable

·        Companymarket share analysis is based on the revenue of chemical mechanicalplanarization equipment and consumables, by manufacturers. Competition in thechemical mechanical planarization market is sustained due to varying marketshares of major and well-established players.

·        Thechemical mechanical planarization market was dominated by CabotMicroelectronics, with a market share of ~30% in 2018.Other major players in the chemical mechanical planarization market, such asDuPont Electronic Solutions, Hitachi Chemical, and Fujimi Incorporated,constituted ~15%, ~10%, and ~10% shares,respectively, in 2018.

·        Thechemical mechanical planarization equipment market was dominated by AppliedMaterials, with ~60% share in 2018.Other major manufacturers such as EBARA Corporation and LAM Research accountedfor ~21% and 7% shares,respectively, in 2018. Companiesoperating in the manufacture of equipment and consumables strive to adopt newtechnologies and enter into strategic partnerships in order to move forward inthe value chain.


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