Digital Signage in Restaurants: The Age after COVID-19
Digital Signage in Restaurants: The Age after COVID-19
As the year 2020 progresses, it is clear that something must change. COVID-19 scared the entire world into hiding, and it heightened the awareness of sanitation by leaps and bounds. With this new-found awareness, restaurant employers need to reopen with a different approach to menus.

As the year 2020 progresses, it is clear that something must change. COVID-19 scared the entire world into hiding, and it heightened the awareness of sanitation by leaps and bounds. With this new-found awareness, restaurant employers need to reopen with a different approach to menus.

Digital Signage Can Help

The prospect of re-opening a restaurant after COVID-19 is scary. Will customers come? Will employees show up? To open back up, everyone needs to know that restaurants are doing their best to keep things clean and safe. 

Digital signage in the fast-food industry is not a new idea, but it is not widespread elsewhere. As an employer opening a restaurant, give the customers and employees the attention they need. What is the best way to take care of their concerns? Replace menus and prints with digitized versions.

Restaurant menu display comes with many perks. First of all, no one likes the experience of sitting down at a diner and receiving a very greasy menu. Flipping through those grimy pages does not boost customer confidence in what is going on in the kitchen. Utilizing a digital display menu on a widescreen avoids using hand-to-hand methods (such as touch screens or physical menus). After undergoing something as harmful as COVID-19, customers and employees both want to be reassured that germs and diseases are not constantly spread.


Additionally, using restaurant digital signage (like a menu display) has an incredible range of uses. Not only can it be a menu available on the wall at all times, but other screens can exhibit a restaurant's “soupe du jour” announcement or an “all-new side.” In past years, digital signage would crop up here and there but not as the standard.

A digital display can show advertisements and menus, but they can also have encouraging quotes of the day. Things like "You can do this" or "We'll make it through." Customers need to know that the restaurant cares for their well-being; now more than ever before.

Another perk to having digital signage is it may help those with impaired vision. A wide display screen with easy, large fonts may alleviate the strain on eyes. That fine print is one thing no one will miss from physical menus.

Restaurant Behavior

Encouraging customers to have a higher standard of conduct within a restaurant is crucial to destroy a haven for germs. Generate posters for the digital display that inform customers that touching the menu screen is not allowed (because it spreads germs). Let customers know keeping the area cleaner (such as tables and bathrooms) is vital to create a safe environment for the elderly and those with weak immune systems.

Reassure them that the busboy is going to clean their table with disinfectant, not a wet rag he used on five other tables.


Digital signage for restaurants will become the norm. Respecting customers and employees and their concern for safety should be the primary focus of restaurant owners. Restaurants should no longer be places of disgusting bathrooms and messy tables. They should be places of respect and cleanliness. The public's safety demands it.