
Facebook bio is the smallintroduction section that gives others an idea of who you’re or about yourcharacteristics. You can update the bio by going to the profile and editing itin the ‘Intro’ section. However, if you’re unable to do that, then this mightbe due to the poor internet connection. try editing the bio again. If this doesn’t help, them go tothe Facebookcustomer service for more information.
Can’t update the bio on Facebook? Reach Facebook customer service.
Facebook bio is the smallintroduction section that gives others an idea of who you’re or about yourcharacteristics. You can update the bio by going to the profile and editing itin the ‘Intro’ section. However, if you’re unable to do that, then this mightbe due to the poor internet connection. try editing the bio again. If this doesn’t help, them go tothe Facebookcustomer service for more information.