
While such activities are somewhat therapeutic
I'm not sure if OSRS gold the statue to The Old Nite still exists, but it stood near the southern part of the Wilderness (or "Wildy" for short) It was a huge expanse of wasteland to the north, frequented and frequented by wild animals and players-killers. I've never been to the site to view it. It's a shame.
The most significant flaw in RuneScape's gameplay, which might also be its biggest positive, is a flaw similar to the majority of MMORPG: its sheer longevity. In between all the thrilling quests and intense PvP battles is the continuous grinding out of the mundane household tasks such as mining, fishing or cooking to gain experience or gain credits to purchase that new piece of armor. Gotta make money somehow, right?
While such activities are somewhat therapeutic, it's also time being bored doing the same activity repeated over and over again - time that could or might not be better spent playing around with some shorter, but no less popular video games.
Instead of being a single combat, RuneScape is a painstaking war of attrition that is extremely long and exhausting, and that never really ends. But it is extremely rewarding if you're willing to commit the effort to it, which is what I did. For a minimum of a one or two years.
I've not played any MMORPGs since, to my unending loss and shame. There are so many real-life concerns and I simply don't have time to let them suck me in. Of all games, they're by far the most tedious, with infinite levels to complete and things to collect. Many have died during or in the aftermath of lengthy sessions of RuneScape's less popular but Buy RuneScape gold popular sibling, World of Warcraft, which is what makes it a horror game.