Biopolymers Market is projected to expand 15% CAGR by 2027
Biopolymers Market is projected to expand 15% CAGR by 2027
According to the TMR experts, the market for biopolymers is prognosticated to expand at 15 percent CAGR during the forecast period of 2019-2027.

Polymers have been an inseparable part of many items andmaterials consumed on a daily basis. They have been observing exponentialdemand from various industries and sectors over the years. Factors such asdurability, price, and adaptability make them one of the preferred materials innumerous industries.

The toxicity quotient of synthetic polymers and the damagecaused to the environment by them increases the demand for alternatives topolymers. A feasible alternative for synthetic polymers is biopolymers. Theadvantages associated with biopolymers regarding the environment will increasetheir demand across various industries and sectors. Based on these factors, the biopolymersmarket will observe a stable growth trajectory during theforecast period of 2019-2027.

Even if synthetic polymers are used on a large scale acrossinfinite applications, there exists a bigger problem: environmental harm. Theycause immense harm to the environment as they are not recycled in a systematicway. According to the data from Clean Air Council Organization, U.S. citizensalone use 102.1 bn plastic bags (synthetic polymer) each year.

What is more alarming is that a mere 1 percent of the bags arerecycled. As they are not recycled and dumped across landfills, they leachharmful chemicals into the soil and ultimately cause harm to the environment.These statistics highlight the need to adopt biopolymers on a large scale,ultimately contributing to the growth of the biopolymers market.

Transparency Market Research’s (TMR’s) research report on thebiopolymers market has every component that will assist the stakeholder inunderstanding the current scenario. The overall market research survey onbiopolymers by TMR suggests a stable growth period.

According to the TMR experts, the market for biopolymers isprognosticated to expand at 15 percent CAGR during the forecast period of2019-2027. In the context of valuation, the base oil market is estimated toreach a valuation of US$ 13.2 bn by 2027, the end year of the forecast period,and was valued at US$ 4.2 bn in 2018.


Growing Adoption ofSustainable Packing for Water and Beverage Bottles to Bring Immense GrowthProspects

Many beverage companies are moving toward sustainable packagingdue to the changing preferences of the consumers and the rising awareness aboutthe importance of environmental conservation among them. For instance,Coca-Cola, one of the biggest brands in the beverage industry, launchedPlantBottle, a fully-recyclable PET bottle developed with 100 percentplant-based material as a part of its sustainable packaging initiative. Suchdevelopments will assure positive growth for the biopolymers market during theforecast period.

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Textile Industry toGarner Considerable Growth for the Biopolymers Market

The textile industry utilizes biopolymers for processes rangingfrom fiber manufacturing to dyeing. Although synthetic polymers are efficientin terms of properties than biopolymers, the depleting resources used formanufacturing synthetic polymers and the rising need for using eco-friendlymaterials across various industries, the transition has gained substantialmomentum. Furthermore, biopolymers have various advantages for textilemanufacturing, such as less manufacturing cost and low-weight fabrics. Thesefactors will increase the usage of biopolymers, eventually increasing thegrowth rate.

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Properties ofBiopolymers to Boost Adoption Rate

Biopolymers possess excellent properties such as flexibility,barrier to gases, chemical resistance, biodegradability, and thermal stability.These properties are beneficial in producing many consumer goods such asfurniture, golf sticks, lipsticks, sanitary napkins, pressed powders, etc.Therefore, the properties of biopolymers will expand the growth landscape ofthe market.

Some well-entrenched players in the biopolymers market areArcher Daniels Midland Company, Danimer Scientific, Plantic Technologies Ltd,NatureWorks LLC, Galatea Bio Tech., E.I.du Pont de Nemours and Company, BASFSE, Novamont SpA, and FMC BioPolymer A.S.

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