
Drinking clean water is the need of thehour if you want to stay fit, but do you think only clean water is going tokeep you away from the deadly water-borne diseases? The answer is NO!!. We needto drink well-purified water to stay fit, and not only this water should bekept for drinking but for all the process from drinking to cooking. Aquaguardis going to be your best companion in this process. Install an Aquaguardpurifier at your home and bring home happiness and gift a healthy life to yourfamily. Get more information about eureka forbes aquaguard service center near me
So stop thinking and give a call to theAquaguard customer carehelpline numberand bid goodbye to all your worries. Our customer careexecutives are ready to help you 24*7 with best solutions to your queries.
Aquaguard has been serving thecustomers with 100% satisfaction from the past 35 years and has become the mostloved brand when you talk about water purifiers
Importanceof drinking clean water and the role of Aquaguards in it
Using the correct technique to purifyyour drinking water is essential. And Aquaguard water purifiers provide customwater alternatives. UV water purifiers are perfect for public water companies.These purifiers crystallize your water, eliminating bacteria and parasitescausing illness. RO water purifiers are ideal for elevated TDS concentrationspipeline or borewell water. They remove all the excess salts and minerals thatgive a salty or salty taste to your water, making it safe for your entirehousehold to drink. For families with water from a multitude of water sources,water purifiers using a combination of these two techniques are perfect.
WhichAquaguard is best to buy?
We have a lot of Aquaguards coming upin the market and get confused about which one to buy. If you are also worriedabout the same confusion, then do not think twice and give a call on the Aquaguard customer care toll freenumber and discuss the wide variety of purifiers available in the market.
There are 17 distinct water environmentkinds. And the purification of every type of water cannot be helped by just onetechnique. It is essential to define the correct water conservation techniqueto ensure that you and your family drink not only safe but also good water.Here's how to figure out.
Using solar lamps to purify water, UVinnovation guarantees that water is as smooth as it is for 20 minutes ofboiling. In reality, when continuously bubbling, it excludes the option ofrecontamination during the drying or processing of the water. UV cleansingguarantees that no chemicals are used throughout the method, keeping all thevital minerals that your body needs to stay safe.
ROwater purifiers
This technique is suitable for areaswith elevated concentrations of Totally Dissolved Salts (TDS) receiving hardwater. Reverse osmosis, or RO engineering, includes the passage of air througha small paper composite structure at elevated pressure. This enables todecrease the number of oils and minerals left in the water by about 90 %,getting it down to a safe and permissible stage. Dissolved minerals and metalssuch as arsenic, iron, mercury, lead, fluoride, and nitrates may be containedin hard water.
Thingsto be considered while buying an Aquaguard
The following items must always beconsidered before booking your Aquaguard and still, if you do not feelconfident about your decision then you can contact the Aquaguard customer care numberand clarify your queries
● Sensors
The water source is automaticallysensed, and the suitable cleansing method is selected. It also shows thefilter's use and lives, your favorite environments, and the water quality inthe primary storage reservoir.
● Monitoring
It enables you to set the amount ofwater and shows the same through an index. This decreases water wastage and, atthe same moment, guarantees that clean drinking water is always easilyaccessible to your household. The purifier also allows you to pick from twooptions for dispensing — free stream and choice of bottle size. But the mostsignificant characteristic of this purifier is the daily, quarterly, andmonthly show of water usage pattern. This gives valuable perspectives into thewater usage of your family.
● Intelligence
An intelligent water purifier as wellas a gift of God. He went on and gave Dr. AquaguardIntelligenz the capacity toreact with speech instructions, troubleshoot, self-diagnose, and even link witha single button to call the Aquaguardcustomer care numberon its own whenever it thinks that servicing isrequired. All these characteristics create the most user-friendly air purifieraccessible to the Eureka Forbes Dr. AquaguardIntelligenz.
Howto check the purity of the water to get from Aquaguard?
The biggest question that comes to yourmind when you want to be fully satisfied with the water you are drinking is howpure it is. Aquaguard loves to serve its customer and keep them happy and tosatisfy you with your question about the purity of water Aquaguard offers twobest-known technologies that are the RO technology and UV technology. Let'sread about them in detail, or you can also call theAquaguard customer care number and get to know about them from theexecutives.
● RO technology
RO water purifiers have a membranefiltering the total dissolved solids and hidden objects such as fungi, etc.Water is carried through the membrane at high stress in this technique, whichefficiently traps the chemicals and microbes and enables filtered water to movethrough the membrane's good pores. It also decreases the number of minerals andsalts to a permitted threshold.
RO technique is best suited tohouseholds with a high-TDS water supply, and water with contaminants of the newage such as lead, mercury, etc.
● UV technology
UV air purifiers are best suited forwater that the local company has handled. It efficiently eliminates illnessthat causes bacteria, germs, and viruses to make drinking water secure. UVtechnique also prevents contaminants of an old era from water, such as lead,mercury, etc.
Currently, when it's hard to knowwhat's in the drinking water and the water source can change frequently,customers don't have to choose between RO technology or UV technology. Thesuggested technique shifts from RO to UV depending on the TDS concentrations ofwater supply to your house.