
25 Dirty Questions To Ask A Girl To Heat Things Up
25 Dirty Questions To Ask A Girl To Heat Things UpJuly 9, 2017
July 9th, 2017 | Updated on September 5th, 2019
For upping the passion and heat in a bedroom, there’s almost nothing that beats dirty talk. But what if you don’t know what to say? Are you nervous or do you feel awkward and lost when it comes to what to say?
Keeping your relationship fun and exciting is crucial, if you want something everlasting. So that’s why, here is a few dirty questions to ask a girl when you want to get her in the mood for some fun sex games.
1. What’s the dirtiest thought you’ve ever had?
2. What’s the sexiest compliment you’ve ever gotten?
3. What’s the sexiest compliment you’ve ever given?
4. Do you like it rough or gentle?
5. What’s the most sexually daring thing you’ve ever done?
6. What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever asked someone to do to you?
7. How seriously do you take your sex life?
8. What turns you on the most about the opposite sex?
9. What is your hottest sexual memory?
10. What’s your biggest sexual fear?
11. If you could take on any fictional character’s personality in bed, who would you be?
12. Have you ever had sex with two different people in one night?
13. How many different people have you had great sex with?
14. What’s the one sex act you want to try before you die?
15. What makes you feel comfortable when you’re naked someone?
16. What’s your favorite part of a man’s body?
17. What’s your favorite part of your own body?
18. What’s the dirtiest dream you’ve ever had?
19. Have you ever made an erotic fantasy come true?
20. If you had one day left to live, how would you want it?
21. Which is more important to you – boobs or butt?
22. Have you ever been to a strip club? When’s the last time you went?
23. Do you like me with makeup, or without?
24. Would it make you upset if you saw me making out with a really hot woman?
25. Out of everything you’ve ever done during sex, what was your favorite?
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